Dirty Tricks in Nevada!
This from Tom Gresham a few minutes ago:
The National Association for Gun Rights is going with a Chicago-style dirty tricks campaign.
They are robo calling Nevada gun owners with a call that sounds as though it is strongly pro-gun. It then gives out the phone number of the governor's office, and says to press 1, then press 3 to be connected.
Except !!! pressing 1 is a vote in favor of SB211, and not to oppose it.
Call this number to hear the recording. 775-671-3057
Let's get the word out.
Here's a quick summation from the Mr. Conservative blog...essentially Republican Governor Brian Sandoval had asked whether he should veto the onerous universal background check law passed in Nevada (as opposed to, say, Colorado Governor John Hickenstoopid, who only called Michael Bloomberg and asked his opinion on the Colorado laws):
While Washington may be ignoring you, your voice can still be heard, at least at the state level. Although Nevada’s Republican governor Brian Sandoval had already announced that he intended to veto the Nevada legislature’s “universal background check” bill, thousands of citizens called the governor’s office to make sure that he kept his word.
Once the NRA sent out an alert notifying Nevada citizens that their legislature had passed a universal background check bill that would force people to pay $30 for a background check before claiming their gun, 2,200 people called the governor’s office this past Wednesday to protest. There were so many calls that the Governor’s office set up an emergency automated phone system allow callers to push a button to show whether their call was for or against universal background checks in Nevada. So far, 80% of the calls were in the “nay” column.
Hey, the Chicago Way says when the vote goes against you, lie, cheat and try to steal it!
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