Wednesday, June 5, 2013

25 Shot, 6 Dead in NYC and Bloomberg Says Gun Control Agenda Works?


Six dead and more than two dozen shootings in New York City over the weekend is a sign that Mayor Michael Bloomberg's anti-gun agenda - which he hopes to spread across the nation with his big bucks campaigns to buy away the gun rights of American citizens - is beginning to fail, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

"Michael Bloomberg wants to use his wealth to buy Big Apple gun control all over the country," said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. "Despite reports that New York City violence is actually down from last year, over the weekend, that city accounted for half of the slayings that Seattle has seen so far for the entire first five months of the year.

"Before Bloomberg spends another million dollars trying to spread his program of gun prohibition," he added, "the mayor ought to concentrate on his own turf and leave the rest of the nation alone."

A story about the violent weekend held an important revelation about gun control that Gottlieb said has been overlooked. Yahoo News noted, "New York recently became the first state to pass major gun control legislation since the Dec. 14 shootings in Newtown, Conn. The bill that Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed into law in January both strengthens the state's existing assault weapons ban and introduces new mental health regulations for potential gun owners. None of that did much to help...a seventh-grader at Middle School 302 in the Bronx and one of three girls to be caught in the line of fire over the last few weeks."

"That says it all about Bloomberg-style gun control," Gottlieb observed. "Fat cats like Bloomberg can push all the anti-gun nonsense their wallets can handle, but while their efforts crack down on law-abiding citizens, they won't stop a single criminal from committing a heinous crime.

"Anti-gunners always complain about the 'Wild West'," he noted, "but it looks more and more like the real wild places are cities like Bloomberg's New York, where law-abiding citizens are hard put to own, much less carry firearms for self-defense thanks to the elitist gun laws backed by the billionaire mayor that have consistently disarmed good people while not affecting the bad ones."

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