Thursday, October 27, 2016

Part 2 of Clinton Presidency

The news/entertainment media was torn in two directions.  The mainstream journalists wanted to run the murder stories, the recent stories of violent attacks.

 On the other hand, the publicly traded media corporations couldn’t run those stories any more.  They couldn’t report the surge in violent crime that happened after America was disarmed.

The reasons were simple.

President Clinton told us that crime would go down once she disarmed honest gun owners.  Police sources privately told the reporters that crime was surging.  It turns out that disarming honest people only made it easier for criminals.  The publicly traded media couldn’t say that, not if they wanted to stay in business and avoid a plague of federal lawyers descending on them like locusts.

There was a huge surge in firearms theft.  House after house was robbed by armed thugs in blue city after blue city.  It was as if the local gangs had a list of gun owners and knew right where to go.  The thugs seemed to know which households still had guns.. and how many guns they had.

Small government states like Texas, Idaho and Utah refused to enforce the new federal laws.  They set up their own branches of law enforcement with recently “retired” FBI agents.  The big-sort continued as millions of us voted with our feet.  There were never enough federal agents to control the countryside.  These United States became less united by the hour.


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