Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Do ROCKS help find answers to College Campus Safety?

A public records request has revealed that Dr. James E. Evans, a professor of geology at the Bowling Green State University (BGSU), considers the National Rifle Association (NRA), which is the nation's oldest and largest civil rights organization, to be "a murderous terrorist organization that is a threat to national security."

Public university professor labels NRA a "murderous terrorist organization" & "threat to national security"

Mr. Evans, who, ironically, has been a member of BGSU's "Academic Honesty Committee," offers no evidence to back his assertion that the NRA, which teaches firearm competency and safety, influences legislation, participates in or initiates lawsuits, and endorses or opposes various candidates, is a "terrorist organization."

Nor does Evans provide evidence to back up his accusations of a threat to national security.

According to his email, Evans seems to labor under the false notion that he has "rights to live in a world where I am not threatened by guns." (I realize I don't have a Ph.D. in the study of rocks, but I've not found that particular "right" enumerated in the Constitution of the United States of America.)


I guess you could use the ROCK's you study for your defense weapon?!

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