Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Islam taught in Public Schools? OR Separation of church and state?

Islam taught in Public Schools?
Separation of church and state?

Last month, for example, parents in the Nashville suburb of in Spring Hill expressed alarm because their children in a taxpayer-funded middle school are learning about the Five Pillars of Islam in a world history class. (The first and most important pillar is roughly translated as: “There is no god but God. Muhammad is the messenger of God.”)

At the same time, the parents say, the course material pointedly ignores Christianity.

Should any religion should be taught in any school?

The children are in school to learn the basics of the 3 R's.
If you want your child to learn about religion send them to
a religious school.

If a young adult of college age wants to learn about comparative religions, let him or her choose that elective. For religion courses to infiltrate our secondary education system, which is taxpayer funded and compulsory in this country, is morally and ethically wrong.

Civics (the study of the rights and duties of citizenship), do we not want our young people to know how our Constitutional Republic is supposed to work?

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