Taking the Cure to Stop Violence
Doctor Gary Gonsalves is an anesthesiologist in southern California. He saw an article in a medical journal that said the recent flood of gun-regulations in California was only a good start, but probably not enough. The article also called for more government funded anti-gun propaganda and more “gun-control”. I helped Dr Gonsalves with facts and references. Here is our article. A revised edition will appear in his medical journal today.
“Taking the Cure to Stop Violence” by Gary Gonsalves, M.D. and Rob Morse
In reference to Dr. Rita Agarwal’s “Gun Violence: When will we make a change”, she makes an emotional appeal for “gun control” while conveniently ignoring the science that she calls on us to embrace:
So let’s look at the facts, while being sensitive to emotions elicited by hysterical claims and the toxic effects of interpersonal violence.
The fact is that we are not facing an epidemic of armed violence in the United States. Rates of armed homicide declined 50% over the last 30 years while firearms ownership has doubled (1)(2). Further, the U.S. is ranked 11th for the incidence of mass murder per 100 thousand when compared against European countries. The U.S. is more peaceful per person than France, Switzerland, Norway or Belgium during the last 7 years (3). While statistics don’t and shouldn’t change our emotional reaction to human suffering, when properly employed, they can provide a foundation for critical analysis. So let’s consider the research.
Read the Entire Article

Monday, August 29, 2016
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Women with concealed handgun licenses on rise in Ohio
Toledo Blade reporter Elena Saavedra Buckley recently visited a monthly meeting of the Maumee chapter of the Armed Ladies shooting club. The club meets monthly at the Henry County Sportsman Club, a shooting range near Liberty Center, Ohio.
Much of the article centers around Tammi Erdman, an NRA-certified instructor who leads the group.
From the article:
Tammi Erdman was raised believing no one should go into the southwest Florida Everglades without a firearm.
At her father’s house where she grew up, the nearest neighbor, who was once robbed and shot in his home, lived 15 miles away. Her mother cautioned her with stories of corpses being used to smuggle cocaine. As Ms. Erdman tells it, there’s nowhere to go in a bad situation, and, if you do get somewhere, nobody to help. She said the area is “the perfect place to get robbed.”
As an adult, Ms. Erdman is a firearms expert. She’s been an NRA instructor in Holland for three years, and she’s the Maumee chapter leader of the national Armed Lady shooting club. In the Everglades, Ms. Erdman would say it’s one’s responsibility to be “Armed. Confident. Prepared.” — which is the motto of the Armed Ladies. Now, she teaches people how.
“What I say goes,” she says about the range. “If you’re acting like a fool, I will kick you off of it.” Her belt holds a handgun, two spare magazines, multiple knives, and a pair of camo cargo pants. Her shirt, which she says she would never wear in public, reads “Girls With Guns” in rhinestones. (But it’s blue, not pink — she hates pink.)
Most importantly, the other women — seven at a recent session — trust Ms. Erdman. They stand in a circle around her as she explains the drill they’ll start out with: It’s called the 5x5, and it has them shooting five rounds at five-inch-diameter circles, all within five seconds.
While women represent the fastest growing segment in the shooting sports, the article notes that Erdman is in a certain minority. Out of the 6,304 NRA instructors in Ohio, only 8.6 percent are female, according to the group’s Institute for Legislative Action.
But that idea is changing. The gun industry and the NRA want women like Ms. Erdman — women who not only buy guns and attempt to master them, but women who believe it is necessary for their protection in America. To Ms. Erdman and those who agree with her, their neighborhoods are filled with unstoppable threats: mass shootings, terrorism, abductors, among others.
As a woman, she believes she is especially at risk, and the only way to stop these forces is by arming herself.
“It’s not just about how to shoot a firearm — it’s about how to keep yourself safe,” Ms. Erdman says. “Every part of town is a bad part of town these days.”
According to Crime Prevention Research Center statistics cited by the Blade, female concealed carry permits have increased by 270 percent nationally. The Pew Research Center reported hunting as the number one reason gun owners reported arming themselves in 1999, but self-protection was the top answer in 2013.
“Every single one of us who carry a gun every day has pictured it,” Ms. Erdman later says. “We’ve made peace with whether or not we could pull the trigger and live with the consequences. And I’ve often said, protection of just myself? I don’t know. In protection of my kids and grandkids? In a heartbeat.”
Much of the article centers around Tammi Erdman, an NRA-certified instructor who leads the group.
From the article:
Tammi Erdman was raised believing no one should go into the southwest Florida Everglades without a firearm.
At her father’s house where she grew up, the nearest neighbor, who was once robbed and shot in his home, lived 15 miles away. Her mother cautioned her with stories of corpses being used to smuggle cocaine. As Ms. Erdman tells it, there’s nowhere to go in a bad situation, and, if you do get somewhere, nobody to help. She said the area is “the perfect place to get robbed.”
As an adult, Ms. Erdman is a firearms expert. She’s been an NRA instructor in Holland for three years, and she’s the Maumee chapter leader of the national Armed Lady shooting club. In the Everglades, Ms. Erdman would say it’s one’s responsibility to be “Armed. Confident. Prepared.” — which is the motto of the Armed Ladies. Now, she teaches people how.
“What I say goes,” she says about the range. “If you’re acting like a fool, I will kick you off of it.” Her belt holds a handgun, two spare magazines, multiple knives, and a pair of camo cargo pants. Her shirt, which she says she would never wear in public, reads “Girls With Guns” in rhinestones. (But it’s blue, not pink — she hates pink.)
Most importantly, the other women — seven at a recent session — trust Ms. Erdman. They stand in a circle around her as she explains the drill they’ll start out with: It’s called the 5x5, and it has them shooting five rounds at five-inch-diameter circles, all within five seconds.
While women represent the fastest growing segment in the shooting sports, the article notes that Erdman is in a certain minority. Out of the 6,304 NRA instructors in Ohio, only 8.6 percent are female, according to the group’s Institute for Legislative Action.
But that idea is changing. The gun industry and the NRA want women like Ms. Erdman — women who not only buy guns and attempt to master them, but women who believe it is necessary for their protection in America. To Ms. Erdman and those who agree with her, their neighborhoods are filled with unstoppable threats: mass shootings, terrorism, abductors, among others.
As a woman, she believes she is especially at risk, and the only way to stop these forces is by arming herself.
“It’s not just about how to shoot a firearm — it’s about how to keep yourself safe,” Ms. Erdman says. “Every part of town is a bad part of town these days.”
According to Crime Prevention Research Center statistics cited by the Blade, female concealed carry permits have increased by 270 percent nationally. The Pew Research Center reported hunting as the number one reason gun owners reported arming themselves in 1999, but self-protection was the top answer in 2013.
“Every single one of us who carry a gun every day has pictured it,” Ms. Erdman later says. “We’ve made peace with whether or not we could pull the trigger and live with the consequences. And I’ve often said, protection of just myself? I don’t know. In protection of my kids and grandkids? In a heartbeat.”
Personal Safety: 7 Ways to Diminish Your Chance of Being a Victim
by Michelle Cerino
Over the years I’ve attended several courses and read many books and articles about personal safety. Offered here are 7 key aspects to increase your safety, no matter where you are.
1. Awareness
2. Attitude
3. Visualization
4. Boundaries
5. Instinct
6. Escape
7. Determination
Over the years I’ve attended several courses and read many books and articles about personal safety. Offered here are 7 key aspects to increase your safety, no matter where you are.
1. Awareness
2. Attitude
3. Visualization
4. Boundaries
5. Instinct
6. Escape
7. Determination
Attorney General announces Second Quarter 2016 CHL statistics; 65% increase over prior year
Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine (R) has released the Concealed Handgun License (CHL) statistics for the second quarter of 2016 and it was another record-setting quarter. There are now 550,000 valid Ohio CHL’s and Ohio honors an estimated 12,300,000 more.
Stats at a glance:
For the first time, there are 550,000 active Ohio CHLs
32,259 is the most initial CHLs ever issued in the second quarter
This is a 65% increase over the same period the prior year.
47,360 total licensed issued is second only to 48,032 in Q2 of 2013
11,276 renewals represents an approximate 74% rate, slightly above average
There are 5% more active CHLs than there were 3 months ago.
There are 19% more active CHLs than there were 1 year ago.
Sheriffs issued almost 20 CHLs per hour.
Sheriffs issued over 650 CHLs per week. (more than double historical average)
1:16 odds an adult you see has a CHL.
Revocation rate is about 0.4%
Stats at a glance:
For the first time, there are 550,000 active Ohio CHLs
32,259 is the most initial CHLs ever issued in the second quarter
This is a 65% increase over the same period the prior year.
47,360 total licensed issued is second only to 48,032 in Q2 of 2013
11,276 renewals represents an approximate 74% rate, slightly above average
There are 5% more active CHLs than there were 3 months ago.
There are 19% more active CHLs than there were 1 year ago.
Sheriffs issued almost 20 CHLs per hour.
Sheriffs issued over 650 CHLs per week. (more than double historical average)
1:16 odds an adult you see has a CHL.
Revocation rate is about 0.4%
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Whatever your political allegiance, please contact Donald Trump, and urge him to stand firm in his support for the Second Amendment. You can contact Trump by copying-and-pasting the message below using his email address or webform:
* Email: DJT@Trumporg.com
* Webform: www.donaldjtrump.com/contact
Thank you.
Tim Macy
----------Pre-written letter----------
Dear Mr. Trump:
For years now, we have heard how Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are “soft” on crime -- and instead insist on scapegoating 100,000,000 law-abiding gun owners for the horrific crimes committed by criminals and terrorists.
That point was made crystal clear by two contrasting events on the presidential campaign Tuesday.
On one hand, the radical Islamic father of Orlando mass murderer Omar Mateen was invited to sit behind Hillary Clinton at a heavily vetted rally in Florida's “I-4 corridor.” Clinton refused to answer questions about Mateen's presence, and the Leftist anti-gun press largely gave pro-terrorist Clinton a “pass.”
In North Carolina, on the other hand, the Leftist press couldn’t goosestep fast enough when you argued that there is nothing anyone could do about Clinton judicial appointees, and added “Although the Second Amendment people -- maybe there is, I don’t know.”
For the record, the “gun people” that you referred to have been largely responsible for the defeat of anti-gun nominee Merrick Garland as a “swing vote” on the Supreme Court.
The members of Gun Owners of America have generated thousands upon thousands of emails and postcards into the U.S. Senate -- all in opposition to Garland.
So, if there’s anyone in the country who could keep Clinton from packing the Supreme Court, it’s GOA.
You were just recognizing reality.
But how did the psychopathically unhinged anti-gun Hillary Clinton and her “puppet press” interpret your remark?
She and her surrogates accused you of threatening to have gun owners assassinate Clinton and her nominees. And her lapdogs in the press are repeating this interpretation ad nauseum.
But, in so doing, the deranged Clinton has had to implicitly accuse America’s 100,000,000 gun owners of being murderers, assassins, and criminals.
This would not be first time Clinton has made this accusation. And it’s pretty clear that Clinton, who appears to be “losing it” mentally, believes this.
But we are not going to let Clinton get away with cozying up to a radical Islamist and violating federal espionage laws -- and then accusing us of being the criminals.
The bottom line? Please do not be intimidated and back down as a result of the brainless Leftist press. Please stand firm in support for the Second Amendment.
If Hillary Clinton Thinks 100 Million Gun Owners are Murderers, Criminals and Assassins, What Sort of President Would She Be?
For years now, we have told you how Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are “soft” on crime -- and instead insist on scapegoating 100,000,000 law-abiding gun owners for the horrific crimes committed by criminals and terrorists.
That point was made crystal clear by two contrasting events on the presidential campaign Tuesday.
On one hand, the radical Islamic father of Orlando mass murderer Omar Mateen was invited to sit behind Hillary Clinton at a heavily vetted rally in Florida's “I-4 corridor.” Clinton refused to answer questions about Mateen's presence, and the Leftist anti-gun press largely gave pro-terrorist Clinton a “pass.”
In North Carolina, on the other hand, Donald Trump was arguing that there is nothing anyone could do about Clinton judicial appointees, and added “Although the Second Amendment people -- maybe there is, I don’t know.”
For the record, the “gun people” that Trump refers to have been largely responsible for the defeat of anti-gun nominee Merrick Garland as a “swing vote” on the Supreme Court.
And Gun Owners of America has our members to thank for this, as you have been very active in sending emails and postcards to your Senators in opposition to Garland.
So, if there’s anyone in the country who could keep Clinton from packing the Supreme Court, it’s us.
Trump, when he spoke, was just recognizing reality.
But how did the psychopathically unhinged anti-gun Hillary Clinton and her “puppet press” interpret the remark?
She and her surrogates accused Trump of threatening to have gun owners assassinate Clinton and her nominees. And her lapdogs in the press have spent the past 24 hours repeating this interpretation ad nauseum.
Look, there are only two ways to interpret what Donald Trump said. One can either think that:
1. Trump wants to use our political power to beat these judicial nominations in the Senate, as we did with Merrick Garland.
2. Or, you can swallow the press interpretation, which is that he’s supposedly urging people to kill Clinton and nominated judges.
The latter interpretation is what Hillary Clinton and her puppet press typically thinks about the Second Amendment community -- that America’s 100,000,000 gun owners are murderers, assassins, and criminals who are just waiting to go off half-cocked.
But it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand what Trump was saying. Even the anti-gun Senator Sue Collins of Maine, who has vowed she will NOT vote for Donald Trump, had this to say on MSNBC:
I’ve been very critical of Donald Trump, but I actually don’t think that’s what he was saying [that he was advocating assassinations]. I think he was suggesting Second Amendment advocates around the country might be able to come together to pressure the Senate to reject [Clinton’s] nominations should she become President.
It’s so simple, even an anti-gunner like Collins can understand it!
This would not be first time Clinton has targeted gun owners. And it’s pretty clear that Clinton, who appears to be “losing it” mentally, really believes the Second Amendment community is dangerous.
But we are not going to let Clinton get away with cozying up to a radical Islamist and violating federal espionage laws -- and then accusing us of being the criminals.
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