Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Student of the Gun offers FREEDOM Scholarship
from: http://www.thetacticalwire.com/story/278748
To ease the sting of oppression and injustice for our true friends within New York, Student of the Gun will now offer the "Freedom Scholarship" to all residents of the State of New York who wish to leave tyranny behind, at least for a while, and join like minded patriots for a week of professional training, education and camaraderie. We will offer a 50 percent discount off the price of the upcoming SOTG University Spring Semester held in Jackson, Ohio. Five days of training for only $500.
Connecticut Hearing Shows Deep Divide Over Guns
Top Story from the Tactical Wire (http://www.thetacticalwire.com/): Connecticut Hearing Shows Deep Divide Over Guns
Yesterday's hearing by the Connecticut Legislature's Bipartisan Task Force on Gun Violence Prevention and Children's Safety was attended by a crowd estimated at 1,300, including family members of children killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. According to attendees, gun rights advocates outnumbered gun control advocates. The hearing, however, made the divide over the gun issue apparent with parents of children killed at Sandy Hook speaking for - and against- gun controls. A group of firearms and magazine manufacturers also testified before the committee, emphasizing the fact that even a partial firearm or magazine ban could cause the loss of thousands of jobs in Connecticut and drops in state tax revenues. As Stag Arms president and CEO Mark Malkowski told the committee, "Bans have never been successful, honest citizens should be allowed to protect their homes and their families." Mark Mattioli, whose son, James, 6, was killed at Sandy Hook asked the committee: what have those gun laws done to make Chicago a safer city?" Mattioli went on to condemn liberals for using the attack on Newtown to "spread fear on gun issues".
Sunday, January 27, 2013
America !
For everyone who would rather not have a gun in the house!
In view of the recent events, sales of this new product may skyrocket.
Washington thinks they are going to take away our guns, so check this out. I like it!
NAIL GUNS! AND, you don't even have to REGISTER them or have LICENSES
for them!
AND, you don't have to worry about them being CONCEALED!
Just a LOT of good stuff to do with THIS!
Once in a while something so totally cool comes out that even a guy who doesn't
normally even know what he'd like for Father's Day or Christmas would immediately ask for it:
Thank you, DeWalt!!!
New Nail Gun, made by DeWalt It can drive a 16-D nail through a 2x4 at 200 yards. This makes construction a breeze, you can sit in your lawn chair and build a fence.
Hundred round magazine. Someone invades your home, just nail their scrawny rear.
Obama to Top Brass: Will you fire on American Citizens?
Published on Jan 23, 2013
http://NextNewsNetwork.com | The Obama administration is openly escalating its campaign against private gun ownership, and shaking up the top ranks of the military command structure -- but is it also preparing to make war on the American population? According to a person identified as a former senior military official, the answer to that shocking question is yes.
Mamet: Hands Off My Gun
from: http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2013/01/28/gun-laws-and-the-fools-of-chelm-by-david-mamet.html
The individual is not only best qualified to provide his own personal defense, he is the only one qualified to do so. By David Mamet.
Interesting statement 1 - I have a PLAN!
from: http://michaelbane.blogspot.com/2013/01/a-brilliant-article.html
Hell, I have a MUCH better plan! Sixty-two divided by 14 years is roughly 4 1/2 people per year...let's round it up to 5 people a year, since the only half-people I know are in Congress. Then every year at the State of the Union address, the President would pick 5 people who are not ineligible to purchase a firearm and give them a luxury condo in New York City ($1.25 million), a Ferrari Spider ($257,000) and an $15,000 line of credit at a posh New York escort agency (what former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer spent on hookers in an average year before he resigned). That comes to $1,557,000, barely a rounding error at the rate BHo spends our (or rather, the Chinese's) money. Viola! We accomplish more than the current Brady law for less money! I say double the number of miscreants each year, and we're doing twice as much good for less than the price of a single Death Panel!
Use the money saved to buy DDT to kill all the bees and wasps...if it only saves one child's life, it's worth it!
Interesting statement 1
from: http://michaelbane.blogspot.com/2013/01/a-brilliant-article.html
Anyone who says they have a "middle path" in this fight means they're either stupid as a sack of rocks or that they think we are as stupid as a sock of rocks.
Here's some more actual facts to have at your fingertips for the next "sack of rocks" you encounter. From John Lott on the Vice President's (speaking of a sack of rocks...) and BHo's latest favorite made-up statistics:
Obama made many other false statements during his talk. He asserted that “over the last 14 years [background checks] kept 1.5 million of the wrong people from getting their hands on a gun.” But these were only “initial denials,” not people prevented from buying guns. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms dropped over 94 percent of those “initial denials” after just preliminary reviews. Virtually all the remaining cases were dropped after further investigation by ATF field offices or the Department of Justice. Few of these “initial denials,” 62 people or about 0.1 percent, involved strong enough evidence to be consideration for prosecution. Just 13 pleaded guilty or were convicted.
I say heck yeah, let's spend billions to raise this number to, what...15...even 18? So we want to ban assault weapons because, by SS-Oberst-gruppenfuhrer Feinstein's own numbers, almost as many people are killed every year by "assault weapons" (sorry, Mike...the gruppenfuhrer didn't provide numbers for "assault magazines") — 50 people a year — as by those dreaded bees and wasps — 54 people a year. And we want to spend zillions and billions for "universal background checks" because over the last 14 years fully 62 of the wrong people have been prevented from buying guns.
Close-up of an "assault wasp." These lethal animals kill more people every year than "assault weapons." Run! Hide!
Monday, January 21, 2013
Go Here; Do This
Take some time this AM to go to Ruger's spectacular app and send a message to your senators, congresspeople and local officials!
POSTED BY MICHAEL BANE AT 9:55 AM - http://michaelbane.blogspot.com/2013/01/go-here-do-this.html
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
What have YOU done to save the Second Amendment (and America) this week???
What have YOU done to save the Second Amendment (and America) this week???
from: http://michaelbane.blogspot.com/2013/01/ruger-steps-up.html
Ruger is helping people get in touch with their Senators and Congresspeople. Good on them!
NRA-certified instructor holds free concealed carry class for school employees
NRA-certified instructor holds free concealed carry class for school employees
from: http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/node/8715
As a service to the schools in my community, I decided to offer an Ohio Concealed Carry Class to any local school employee free of charge. I did not know what to expect or what the response would be. I put the word out with a few phone calls to teachers I knew who had mentioned, prior to this class, that they wanted to get the training. Before I knew it, my voicemail was full of messages and I had the biggest single CCW class I have ever taught.
I ended up with about 35 students, all concerned with school security and their ability to protect the innocent children whose lives were in their hands. It was obvious to them that no law could help them. The only thing that could was to train and learn to use the life-saving tool available to us all thanks to the Second Amendment.
While some would personify these devices composed of plastic and metal as evil, the teachers and school officials directly involved with the everyday task of keeping their students safe knew that the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy or girl with one.
On the day of the class, everyone showed up ready to learn. They were very serious about taking in every piece of firearm safety I could share with them. I started the class by showing an excerpt from Lt. Col. David Grossman's The Bullet Proof Mind series. I also shared with them his website and the vast resources he has for schools. I am not an expert in these fields, but I could share with them information from people who are.
One thing they took away from the Grossman was one of his main focal points - Denial kills you twice. It kills you psychologically, when you believe that it could never happen to you, and then it kills you physically. I also reiterated his point that the arming of our teachers is not normal, and that they should never believe it is. Some speak out against teachers and school officials being able to have the life-saving tool they need, proclaiming that teachers should be carrying crayons and rulers. I could not agree more, and neither could my students. But, unfortunately, this is not the world we live in anymore. But once again, my students knew that this is not normal, and never to think that it is. We discussed how when I went to school there, I thought it was insane that they installed cameras.
I focused the class on gun safety and put them through rigorous exercises of loading and unloading many different types of firearms. Even if some of my students decided that they did not want to carry in schools, they should at least know how to make a firearm safe. What if a 7 year-old brought a gun to school with no evil intent, but just to show and tell? Teachers need this training so that they know what to do, and how to make the gun safe, while they proceed to follow the school guidelines for such situations.
After a long ten hours of classroom training and testing, we met the following Saturday for the live-fire portion on a private outdoor range. It was below freezing and I had them come in groups starting at 9am and ending at 6pm. Even through the cold and the rain and the mud and the snow, they all came, and they all put in their range time with no complaints. They knew that little lives were at stake and that our children are our future. It is our duty as adults to protect them by any and all means necessary. That includes arming our teachers and school employees.
I was given a lot of kudos for the class and I already have many other teachers ready to take my next one. I am going to do this again in the next few weeks. I encourage all certified instructors in Ohio to do this. Do a training session for teachers free of charge. You will be doing a great service to your community and you could help save lives - maybe even the lives of your own children.
December Record Month for NICS Checks; 58.6% increase marks 31st straight month over month increase; New record also set in Ohio
from: http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/node/8713
According to a press release from the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the December 2012 NSSF-adjusted National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) figure of 2,237,731 is an increase of 58.6 percent over the NSSF-adjusted NICS figure of 1,410,937 in December 2011. For comparison, the unadjusted December 2012 NICS figure of 2,776,105 reflects a 49.7 percent increase from the unadjusted NICS figure of 1,854,400 in December 2011.
This marks the 31st straight month that NSSF-adjusted NICS figures have increased when compared to the same period the previous year. The number reported for December 2012 is the highest monthly figure ever reported for NICS, eclipsing the previous high in November 2012 by 46.7 percent.
The NSSF-adjusted NICS 2012 year-end figure of 13,780,285 was a 27.7 percent increase over the 2011 year-end total of 10,791,275. For comparison, the unadjusted NICS year-end figure of 19,436,832 in 2012 was an increase of 19.0 percent over the 2011 year-end total of 16,336,732.
The adjusted NICS data were derived by subtracting out NICS purpose code permit checks used by several states such as Kentucky, Iowa and Michigan for CCW permit application checks as well as checks on active CCW permit databases.
Though not a direct correlation to firearms sales, the NSSF-adjusted NICS data provide a more accurate picture of current market conditions. In addition to other purposes, NICS is used to check transactions of firearms sales and transfers on new and used handguns and long guns.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Monday, January 7, 2013
Walther Launches New Website For Walther Products
from: http://www.shootingwire.com/story/276641
Walther Arms, Inc, the U.S-based organization for Carl Walther GmbH of Germany, has launched a new website highlighting the entire 2013 line of German-engineered pistols and tactical rimfire replicas. The site is designed to educate prospective dealers, customers and avid shooters on the Walther portfolio of firearms. The new URL is www.WaltherArms.com and was launched January 1st as the strategic alliance with Walther and Smith-Wesson expired.
Chiappa Firearms Releases The Chiappa Triple Crown, A Three Barreled Shotgun
from: http://www.shootingwire.com/story/276640
Chiappa Firearms, Ltd. is proud to introduce the Triple Crown Series of shotguns as their flagship for the new lineup of firearms for 2013. The first "Modern Shotgun" offered by Chiappa Firearms had to be something unique and innovative pushing the edge of firearm design just as they did with the revolutionary Rhino Revolver when they introduced their first hunting / defense handgun to the market three years ago.
The Chiappa Triple Crown features a side by side barrel configuration with the third barrel on top giving the shooter a single barrel sight plane with multiple barrel performance. Each barrel is machined to accept Rem-Choke style choke tubes and each shotgun includes 5 choke tubes ranging from Improved Cylinder to Full Choke. The thunder is released with a single mechanical trigger that provides simplistic reliability and lightning fast speed for follow up shots. Keeping the design simple, Chiappa chose mechanical extractors for the first production release which will be available in 12 gauge with 3" chambering. The Triple Crown features a 28" barrel and weighs in at a surprisingly light and well balanced 8.5 lbs. And if that is not enough, the Triple Crown has a rowdy relative that is sure to grab your attention with an 18.5" barrel and boasting the name of the Triple Threat!
New Gun & Bow Security Cabinet Offers Convenient Dual Hunting Gear Storage
from: http://www.shootingwire.com/story/276611
Stack-On® Products, the leading provider of secure storage for sportsmen, announces a new addition to its secure storage line, the Buck Commander Gun & Bow Security Cabinet (Model #AGC-408).
The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Services (2006) estimates that 93% of all hunters hunt with firearms and 28% hunt with a bow. Knowing these trends, Stack-On has developed a new steel security cabinet that provides the best of both worlds, a secure location to store your compound bows and rifles/shotguns. The 3-point, key-coded locking cabinet stores two (2) compound bows and up to eight (8) rifles/shotguns. Included with the cabinet is a full-width, steel shelf for ammunition or other gear storage and a custom foam arrow keeper on the door to hold up to 12 arrows.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
John Noveske, R.I.P.
John Noveske, master of the AR and the founder of Noveske Rifleworks, was killed in an auto accident yesterday in Oregon. Here's a link to the story. http://pdxtraffic.blogspot.com/2013/01/fatal-traffic-crash-highway-260-west-of.html
Here is a statement released by Noveske Rifleworks, via Soldier Systems:
Noveske Rifleworks would ask you to remember the passing of our founder, John Noveske, who died Friday, January 4th 2013 in an automobile accident.
John planned for all eventualities, and wanted to ensure any changes would be as seamless as possible for our customers, dealers, suppliers, employees and friends. While this will be a trying time, we do not expect a change in the day to day operations of Noveske Rifleworks. We would like to thank you for your support as we deal with our loss, and would ask that instead of flowers, you consider a donation to a cause we will announce at later date.
John was more than just the founder of Noveske Rifleworks, he was a loving husband and father, and caring friend.
Rest in peace.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Great word from Michael Bane
Great word from Michael Bane
All About "Assault Weapons"
from: http://michaelbane.blogspot.com/2013/01/all-about-assault-weapons.html
I [MB] wrote this to a gun owner who questioned why I [MB] was such a fan of "assault weapons:"
There is no such thing as an "assault weapon"...that phraseology is propaganda from the gun banners. I refer you to this great article in Forbes:
And this article in Human Events:
A true "assault rifle" as we correctly apply the terminology is a select-fire — that is, either full auto, where the gun fires until it runs out of ammunition on one pull of the trigger, or semiauto, one shot per pull of the trigger — rifle or carbine issued to the military. Select fire/full auto guns have been rigidly controlled in the United States since 1934 Firearms Act. Nor can any modern firearm can be easily converted from semiauto to full auto, despite what people may have heard or read.
The AR-15 platform is hardly the “choice of John Wayne wannabes and terrorists” as it has been represented. Rather, it is the single most popular firearm in the United States, and the overwhelming choice of competition shooters, hunters and people concerned with their personal safety:
The AR-15 dominates competition; it rules at the NRA Camp Perry long range competitions and in the fastest growing shooting sport in America, 3-Gun. I recently built a .22 Long Rifle AR platform gun that may be the most accurate .22 I own...and I own many. Using that gun I was able to achieve "Rifleman" status in a Project Appleseed on my first attempt.
The AR-15 is a superb self-defense weapon, in fact, my personal choice for home defense. After careful analysis of penetration, the chance the round might exit a house, etc., much of which we’ve shown on the shows, we concluded the AR platform in 5.56, the standard caliber, was a far better choice for home defense than a shotgun with buckshot or even a handgun.
The AR-15 platform is equally excellent as a hunting firearm, both for pest/varmints, a major Colorado hunting activity, and, in heavier calibers, for big game such as mule dear and elk. Because the caliber can be easily changed without a gunsmith by replacing the upper receiver, it is the most versatile gun sold. A hunter can have a .22 Long Rifle upper for small game, a .223 upper for varmints like coyotes and a .300 Blackout upper for deer/elk, on a a single frame for a fraction of the cost of 3 rifles. Colt makes an AR platform gun that is interchangeable from .223 to .308, perfect for hunters.
The AR-15 platform is the overwhelming choice for people who just like to plink, informal target shooting. The stats we have show AR owners are shooters, expending many thousands of rounds a year.
The AR platform is ergonomic and adjustable by the owner rather than sending it out to an expensive gunsmith. One gun can fit a small framed person or the Incredible Hulk. The gun is designed to be easy to shoot...in fact, as an instructor, I now use AR platform guns to introduce newbies to shooting.
An AR platform rifle is customizable by the shooter...there are literally thousands of accessories that can be installed by the user, which allows a shooter to really make the gun his or her own with resorting to a gunsmith.
AR platform rifles may look like military rifles, but they are no different from rifles that have been available to American citizens since the dawn of the 20th Century. The Remington Autoloading Rifle, for instance, was a semiauto featuring a box magazine, available in multiple powerful calibers and was introduced in 1906, a year after Winchester's semiauto Model 1905. In fact, the Remington rifle was continually updated throughout the century. Fitted with a 20-round magazine, it was used by Texas Ranger Frank Hamer against Bonnie and Clyde in 1934. Replaceable magazines have been a feature of handguns and rifles since the late 1800s.
When I was growing up in the 1950s & '60s, the gun rack in my house — note that I said gun rack, not gun safe; no one we knew owned a gun safe — included not only a Remington Model 8 semiauto rifle, but an M1 Carbine with both 15 and 30 round magazines, and an M1 Garand 8-shot semiauto, a rifle described by George Patton as, "The greatest implement of battle ever devised." I wouldn't argue with Patton on that point! Handguns included a 1911 .45 semiauto, several German semiautos and, later, a 15-shot S&W semiauto. These guns could, up until 1968, be ordered through the mail with no background check of any kind.
Amazingly, with all this readily accessible semiauto firepower — much, much more accessible than in today's heavily regulated environment! — schools were safe then. Why might that be?
Again, because a civilian firearm looks like a military weapon doesn't mean that it is the equivalent of that military weapon. You can buy a car that looks a lot like Danica Patrick's #10 Sprint Cup car; paint it green and orange and put all the same stickers on that car that Ms. Patrick has on hers. Yet you will not win any races with your family car. It turns out that everyone wearing Peyton Manning jerseys does not in fact play for the Broncos.
Additionally, this "panic" about evil assault weapons is simply misplaced. According to the current FBI stats (http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/01/03/FBI-More-People-Killed-With-Hammers-and-Clubs-Each-Year-Than-With-Rifles), more people are murdered annually with hammers and clubs than all rifles (605 versus 438)!
And that's all rifles. Senator Diane Feinstein, the author of the newly proposed "assault weapon" ban legislation, in her own press release referred to "385 deaths" as a result of the so-called "assault weapons" since the previous Clinton Era ban ended in 2004, or roughly 50 death per year (http://www.volokh.com/2012/12/23/feinstein-to-introduce-updated-assault-weapons-bill-in-new-congress/)
While all deaths are to be mourned, let's put these numbers in perspective...300 people die annually from drowning in their bathtubs; more than 100 people are killed annually by strangulation or hanging; as many as 1000 people die annually from autoerotic asphyxiation. According to the author of the proposed "assault weapons" ban, we need to ban as many as 150 million currently legal firearms, create a staggering bureaucracy guaranteed to engender a level of civil disobedience unheard of before in the United States and potentially turn millions of law-abiding citizens in to felons because those firearms were responsible for the same number of deaths annually as bees and wasps (54 deaths a year, http://danger.mongabay.com/injury_death.htm).
This fight is not about "assault weapons"...it is about civilian disarmament, that is, the ultimate goal of the confiscation of all privately owned firearms. That is what it has always been about. None of the proposed laws would have the slightest effect on spree killers, something on which both sides pretty much agree. None of the proposed laws will make us one iota safer.
SHOOTING GALLERY has featured AR-15 platform guns since its very first season when the previous AWB was still in effect. It will continue to do so.
ARs For Sale in Colorado
from: http://michaelbane.blogspot.com/2013/01/ars-for-sale-in-colorado.html
Looks like the Old Days, don't it? Amazingly, my friend and fellow Zombie Slayer Alan Samuel has figured out a way to keep his retail store stocked up with ARs of many different brands, complete Daniel Defense uppers and 5.56 ammo.
No, I don't have any idea how...I talked to him this afternoon and he said, you know, a little of this, a little of that, a few phone calls.
I asked if it was all right to post this on the blog (yes, he does do Internet sales), and he said, "Cool!"
His store is:
MachineGun Tours
12550 W. Colfax Ave. Unit 103
Lakewood, CO
And no, I don't get kickbacks, although I'm hoping he got my email to hold a DD upper for me at MSRP. Tell him I sent you!
Friday, January 4, 2013
SFP to Debut Spring Tension Tester and Firing Pin Tool
from: http://www.shootingwire.com/story/276410
Secure Firearm Products (SFP) will unveil to shooters, the shooting press, dealers and distributors, two very much needed products/packaging to the shooting industry at the upcoming Shot Show in January 15-18, 2013 (Booth # 1008).
Spring Tension Tester:
The Spring Tension Tester (STT) is a much needed tool for anyone from the avid shooter, home gunsmith, or pro gunsmith that will enable their easy-to-use universal device to check the tension/poundage strength of most springs, and in almost all firearms. The STT incorporates a digital scale to measure the tension of coil mainsprings; firing springs; striker springs or any coil springs for semi-auto pistols, revolvers, rifles and shotguns.
Instantly determine the strength of your firearm springs. If its weak or defective, you'll know that it needs replacing. In addition, with the STT you'll be able to test all springs in your inventory, and better organize/label all those loose springs on your gun work bench.
Firing Pin Tool:
Easy and simple to use, the Firing Pin Tool allows shooters to quickly remove the firing pin stop from 1911 type firearms and their clones. It also allows the easy insertion of the firing pin stop, by holding the firing pin stop and pushing down the firing pin.
Turnbull Introduces Limited Edition "Wild Bunch" Model 1911
from: http://www.shootingwire.com/story/276414
Turnbull Mfg. Co has designed a Model 1911 Pistol that offers something to both 1911 fans and members of the Single Action Shooting Society™ (SASS). The pistol will be newly manufactured and based on the 1918 production model of the 1911 pistol. As the premier restorer of historic 1911 pistols, Turnbull is able to turn out an accurate and reliable reproduction of this beloved pistol.
"I have always loved the 1911 pistol and as a SASS member, the best known single action firearm design is a natural fit," noted company founder, president and SASS Member Turnin' Bull. "We have added the personalization features that are important to Single Action Shooters."
Each of the pistols will have "Wild Bunch" engraved on the right side of the slide, with the SASS member's Official Alias on the left. In addition, the membership number will be used as the serial number.
3GN Moves to Sportsman
from: http://www.shootingwire.com/story/276433
The New Year brings a slate of brand new programming to Sportsman Channel, the leader in outdoor TV for the American Sportsman. Beginning this week, Sportsman Channel welcomes new gun series, 3 Gun Nation, sponsored by FNH USA and presented by Federal Premium Ammunition, airing Thursday nights for a full hour from 10 to 11 pm ET showing episodes from seasons two and three. For a sneak peek, visit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0EamiZZCjM
The series follows 3-gun, or multi-gun, matches across the country with the shooters using a rifle, shotgun and pistol. The competition is fierce with usually only a matter of seconds separating the top 15 shooters.
Full Size .45 Performance Available In The MAC 1911 Bullseye Models
from: http://www.shootingwire.com/story/276475
Eagle Imports, the exclusive distributor of the Metro Arms family of products, is proud to announce delivery of the MAC 1911 Bullseye Model to the American discerning public.
The largest of the MAC 1911 line of pistols is the MAC 1911 Bullseye with an overall length of 9.88" in 4140 steel. Beautifully balanced, the single-action, semi-auto .45 ACP pistol features many embellishments usually found on custom 1911s. Features include a flared and lowered ejection port, an enhanced beavertail grip safety, a skeletal hammer and combat trigger, rear slide serrations and a stippled front strap serration, an extended thumb safety and a ramped match grade bull barrel. The MAC 1911 Bullseye features a fully-adjustable Bomar-type rear sight with a fiber optic dovetail front sight. Custom hardwood grips with the MAC logo enhance this highly collectible pistol.
MAC 1911 pistols are known world-wide for their precise fit and function delivering performance and repeatable accuracy right out of the box.
Gaston J. Glock Style LP Shooting Vest And Wax Cap
from: http://www.shootingwire.com/story/276477
GASTON J. GLOCK style LP, the purveyors of fine quality hunting and shooting sports apparel and accessories, is offering a Shooting Vest and Wax Hat for the gentleman hunter.
Made in Poland, the comfortable Shooting Vest comes with multiple pockets, including two sewn on ammunition pouches with Cordura™ piping and zipper, a back pocket and an inside zippered pocket to accommodate a SoftShoot Pad. The lightweight SoftShoot Pad protects the hunter's shoulder from up to 50% less recoil, allowing one to spend more time out doing what he or she loves with less muscle fatigue. The Shooting Vest has lateral loops with snap fasteners to allow the hunter to make adjustments at the waist for a proper fit. The Shooting Vest is made from 98% of the finest cotton and 2% spandex. It is available online in Men's Sizes S-3XL and Women's Sizes XS-3XL for $155.00. The SoftShoot Pad is available online for $34.00.
Made in Germany, the Wax Hat is made from 100% cotton with a lining made from 100% polyester. The cotton is waxed to provide a high water resistance for those times when the hunter is caught out in a rainstorm. The Wax Hat comes is manufactured for different head sizes and it is essential to measure one's head circumference to choose the right size. A sizing chart is available on the website to aid one's decision. The Wax Hat is available online for $49.00.
National Coalition Formed To Stop the Gun Ban
National Coalition Formed To Stop the Gun Ban
from: http://www.shootingwire.com/story/276478
The Nebraska Firearms Owners Association (NFOA), in conjunction with other organizations throughout the country, has formed a national coalition to defeat the Obama/Biden/Feinstein Gun Ban proposal. Thursday, the Coalition released an Open Letter to Members of Congress, which is included below. "The NFOA is proud to be a founding member of the Coalition," NFOA President Wesley Dickinson stated. "Compromise with politicians using words like confiscation and registration is not possible."
So far, 27 state and national organizations have joined the "National Coalition to Stop the Gun Ban," including all of the groups listed below;
The objective of the coalition is to kill the proposals. Period. It is not to "compromise" by saddling gun owners with restrictions and whining "It was the best we could get." Nothing less than the complete defeat of the Obama/Biden/Feinstein proposals will suffice;
All coalition members have agreed that "compromise" is not an option; AND
The member organizations launched the Coalition with a coordinated "Open Letter to Members of Congress" (included at the end of this email alert), and with coordinated press releases and membership alerts
Coalition to Stop the Gun Ban Members
National organizations: The Firearms Coalition, Gun Owners of America, Rights Watch International, Second Amendment Sisters, USRKBA.org
State organizations: Arizona Citizens Defense League, Arkansas Carry, Florida Carry, Inc., Grass Roots North Carolina, Gun Owners Civil Rights Alliance, Gun Owners of California, Gun Owners of Maine, Gun Owners of Vermont, Michigan Gun Owners, The Minnesota Gun Owners Civil Rights Alliance, Montana Shooting Sports Association, New Hampshire Firearms Coalition, New Jersey 2nd Amendment Society, Nebraska Firearms Owners Association, Oregon Firearms Federation, Peaceable Texans for Firearms Rights, Shooters Committee on Political Education N.Y. Utah Shooting Sports Council, Virginia Citizens Defense League, West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Western Missouri Shooters Alliance, and Wisconsin Carry, Inc.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
The Dirty Dozen
The Dirty Dozen
Courtesy of the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance (www.ussportsmen.org)
There are groups that undermine and manipulate systems across America to end hunting, trapping and fishing. These same “less-than-honest” groups also often then exploit wildlife and conservation issues in the name of raising dollars for their devious causes. Here are a dozen organizations that have taken efforts in the past year to prevent you from hunting or trapping:
1.) Humane Society of the United States (HSUS): After losing an effort to have the chairman of California’s Game Commission removed because he went legally hunting for mountain lions in another state, HSUS then pushed legislation to end the hunting of bears and bobcats with hounds in California. HSUS has also threatened to sue to stop wolf hunting in the Western Great Lakes region. Shame on them.
2.) Center for Biological Diversity: This group has repeatedly sued the federal government to end the use of traditional hunting ammunition through attempts to ban lead. This ban would also apply to fishing tackle and would affect all sportsmen and women. The group’s information is based on flawed details about lead and bullets. The CBD is also working—and suing—to stop Western Great Lakes region wolf hunting seasons.
3.) People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA): This radical animal rights group issued a request for its minions across America to break established hunter harassment laws. PETA urged followers to interfere with hunts by protesting, spreading human hair, and other unlawful acts.
4.) Defenders of Wildlife: This group has been working to end wolf management in Wyoming and misguiding the public on the truth about overpopulated Yellowstone wolves. Defenders of Wildlife has filed a number of anti-hunting lawsuits and often seeks to recoup its legal costs for the suits from taxpayers.
5.) Sierra Club: This group’s board of directors worked for—and implemented—a policy officially opposing all trapping. The Sierra Club also tried to end a decades old elk hunt on public land in Wyoming.
6.)The Fund for Animals: They have threatened to sue to halt established Western Great Lakes region wolf hunts after hunters and state game management supporters were successful in removing the long recovered wolves from the Endangered Species List. The have also filed a suit that would stop wolf management in Wyoming.
7.)Howling for Wolves: A Minnesota-based group suing to stop wolf hunting in that state. The group claims that the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources didn’t properly adopt the hunting season even though it went through the same process as other hunting seasons.
8.)American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals: Supports laws to prevent keeping dogs in outside kennels (a standard practice across America). They have also filed a brief supporting the lawsuit aimed at shutting down wolf hunting with dogs in Wisconsin.
9.)Western Environmental Law Center: A ring leader in a group of eight anti-organizations that want to ban wolverine trapping in Montana until the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) determines if the wolverine will be placed on the federal threatened and endangered species lists. This is just another “backdoor” ploy to end all trapping.
10.)In Defense of Animals: This anti-hunting group sued to stop bear hunting in Virginia, has called for a boycott of Alaska over its highly successful and sustainable wolf management program, strongly opposes wolf management in the Northern Rocky Mountains, and is pushing for a federal ban on animal testing for medical research.
11.)Friends of Animals: This Connecticut-based group believes “hunting in all forms is unethical, socially unjustifiable and ecologically disruptive.” The group worked against bear hunting in New Jersey, deer hunting in Connecticut, and against many science-based conservation programs. This group claims “hunting is an important cause of many deer/auto collisions… by inciting the deer to be incautious.”
12.)WildEarth Guardians: They earn a place on this shame list for working to ban trapping on public land in New Mexico. This group has also sued the federal Wildlife Services department over their wolf management program and has called on Congress to end funding for this important federal wildlife management entity.
Please spread the word on these anti groups. Your next hunting, fishing or trapping trip depends on it.
Article from Huffington Post
Article from Huffington Post -
10 Reasons Strict Gun Control Will Be Difficult in America
From Michael Bane -
After reading the whole thing, send the NRA what you can afford and email your federal and state legislators! That's what I'm doing tomorrow..
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
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