Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Zombie Fighters Won't Miss a Beat with the New Hoppe's Elite Zombie Kit
from: http://www.shootingwire.com/story/272685
The Hoppe's Elite Zombie Kit will be available in a rifle/shotgun combination or pistol cleaning kit.
The Hoppe's Elite Zombie Kit contains everything needed to quickly clean and lubricate a firearm in the field with minimal downtime. Each kit contains 4 oz. bottles of Hoppe's Elite Gun Cleaner, and Gun Oil with T3 and a cleaning cloth. The kits include BoreSnakes in the most popular pistol, rifle and shotgun zombie-fighting calibers.
The pistol kit includes 9mm, .40 and .45 caliber BoreSnakes, while the rifle/shotgun kit includes a 12 gauge BoreSnake as well as .223/5.56mm and .308/7.62mm BoreSnakes.
The Hoppe's Elite Zombie Kits (pistol and rifle/shotgun) will be available in January 2013 for an MSRP of $59.99. In addition to the cleaning products and accessories mentioned above, each Zombie Kit will be packaged in a reusable green hard plastic case. To learn more about Hoppe's and its complete line of gun care products, visit www.hoppes.com.
CrossBreed Launches New Campaign
from: http://www.shootingwire.com/story/272677
CrossBreed relies on its team to use their knowledge and skills to hand mold each holster specific for that firearm.
"We want our customers to know that when you order from CrossBreed, your holster is hand-crafted and hand-molded to provide a perfect fit for your firearm and the ultimate comfort for you," says Trent Cooper of CrossBreed Holsters.
The CrossBreed legacy introduced by founder Mark Craighead is continued in his memory. Mark's work and passion for this industry, those in it and for the employees of CrossBreed Holsters continues to go into each and every holster that leaves our shop providing you, the customer, with the most comfortable and concealable holster on the market today.
The CrossBreed team takes pride in the individual attention they are able to give customers. Their products are 100% made in the USA and completely original. Customers can find peace of mind in knowing that the product they wear was created specifically for their individual needs.
Should the Chicago Mayor Share Blame for Mayhem in His City?
from: http://www.shootingwire.com/story/272651
Anti-gun Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel should shoulder some of the blame for his city's on-going bloodbath because his policies are leaving citizens defenseless against the violent criminal element, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.
Emanuel, former chief of staff for President Barack Obama - who adopted Chicago as his home town - has "perpetuated the draconian anti-gun policies of his predecessor even after the Supreme Court ruling in 2010 essentially nullified the city's ban on handgun ownership."
"He and the city council have done everything possible to prevent law-abiding Chicago residents from exercising their restored Second Amendment rights in the two years since the Supreme Court's landmark McDonald ruling. They have stalled, dodged and road-blocked efforts to bring sanity to the city's restrictive gun regulations, all in an effort to discourage citizens from arming themselves against criminal violence.
"And what does the city have to show for it," he mused. "So far this year, all Chicago can offer as a measure of its gun policy effectiveness is a body count of more than 435 people, which is more than all of last year. It is despicable that the city under Mayor Emanuel continues to envelope honest citizens in bureaucratic red tape while it is clearly unable to curb the violence.
Monday, October 29, 2012
ATI Introduces FX45-K
from: http://www.shootingwire.com/story/272461
The FX45-K is one of three new FX45s introduced this fall, including the Lightweight models of the Titan and Fatboy. This model is a tactical version of the highly successful FX GI model, which ATI first introduced a few years ago.
The FX45-K has an overall length of 7.3" without suppressor, and a barrel length of 4.7."
The .578x28 RH threaded barrel will be compatible with most 45ACP suppressors. The gun has a steel frame with blued finish and weighs 39.9 oz. The FX45-K also features an ambidextrous manual safety, grip safety and locked breech. It has drift adjustable target sights, external hammer and target trigger.
from: http://michaelbane.blogspot.com/2012/10/tonights-wine-choice.html
Michael Bane : "shot a bunch of the new Gemtech ultra-quiet .22s off my front porch. They were quiet! I'm going to be talking more about them on the podcast. Quieter than CCI "Quiets," BTW."
from: http://www.gem-tech.com/store/pc/SILENCER-SUBSONIC-22LR-AMMUNITION-32p470.htm
After years of recommending various brands and types of ammunition, we decided to do things right and create our own optimized round for suppressor useage. Putting together a heavier bullet, a cleaner powder, a premium lube on the lead round nose projectile gave us consistent velocities and harder hitting performance at subsonic, suppressor-friendly speed. The 42 grain lead round nose bullet is heavier than traditionally available rounds, but isn't so heavy as to cause instability. While "harder hitting" and ."22lr" aren't usually associated together, steel silhouette shooters will appreciate the difference between a knockdown and a wobbling target that stays up! A designed velocity of 1020 feet per second ensures the heavier projectile remains subsonic speed in most all firearms without resorting to anemic velocities.
Sold in 500 round bricks or 5,000 round cases, the GEMTECH SILENCER SUBSONIC .22lr ammunition is subpackaged in 50 rd tray boxes to keep bullet noses from any accuracy-robbing damage during transit.
The Marine Corps Colt
from: http://sheriffjimwilson.com/
"The United States Marine Corps recently let a contract with Colt Firearms for a quantity of 1911 pistols. This comes as no surprise to most of us since the rumor has abounded for some time that the Marines were getting their hands on every 1911 that they could find in the US arsenals. It appears that the Marines know a fighting pistol when they see one.
The new Colt is actually a version of the M1911A1 Rail Gun which the Marines will call the M45CQB pistol. The gun is a stainless pistol with a Cerakote finish that we have decided should be called Coyote Tan. It features night sights, match barrel & bushing, and laminated wood stocks. It also has the double recoil spring as found on Colt’s Delta Elite 10mm pistol. I am told that the double-spring set up was necessitated because the Marines wanted the dust cover relieved as much as possible to cut down on the weight of the pistol. This necessitated using the double-spring arrangement to keep the spring from kinking.
The good news is that you can own the same gun. Colt is marketing the same 1911A1 Rail Gun for commercial sales."
Saturday, October 27, 2012
How to Make a Sawdust Firestarter
from: http://www.gundigest.com/survival/video-how-to-make-a-sawdust-firestarter?et_mid=586734&rid=3587980
This video shows how to make a sawdust firestarter. If sawdust isn’t readily available, substitute another combustible material. A common choice is dryer lint. The process is the same. Put the material into the egg carton sections. Dump wax into the sections. Let cool. Break off the sections and use as needed.
How to Waterproof Matches with Nail Polish
from: http://www.gundigest.com/survival/how-to-waterproof-matches-with-nail-polish?et_mid=586734&rid=3587980
Learning how to waterproof matches correctly is worth the time. Store-bought waterproof matches can be expensive. It’s more cost-effective to learn how to waterproof matches and do it yourself, then add the results to your home survival kit or mini outdoors survival kit.
However, don’t go reaching for a brick of wax. Here’s how to waterproof matches in an unexpected way.
Skip the wax. Learn how to waterproof matches using nail polish. [Image via sxc.hu]
Cold Weather Survival Tips
from: http://www.gundigest.com/survival/cold-weather-survival-tips?et_mid=586734&rid=3587980
One of the most difficult survival situations is a cold weather scenario. Every time you venture into the cold, you are pitting yourself against the elements. Using these cold weather survival tips, proper planning and appropriate equipment, you can overcome the elements of cold.
Note that “cold” depends on your geography. Below-freezing temperatures in northern latitudes are considered mundane, but are seen as extreme cold in southern areas. These cold weather survival tips hold true regardless of location.
No matter where you live, use these cold weather survival tips to stay safe when the mercury drops into your definition of “cold.” Hypothermia is serious. Don’t think it can’t happen in even moderate climates. (Image via sxc.hu)
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
SIG SAUER Hits The "Slim-Nine" Market With The Revamped SIG P290RS In December GUNS Magazine
from: http://www.shootingwire.com/story/272196
The SIG P290RS adorns the cover of the GUNS Magazine December issue, with contributing editor Massad Ayoob appreciating the Re-Strike capabilities and accuracy of SIG SAUER's completely redesigned addition to the "slim-nine" market.
AcuSport Adds New Gun Cleaning Line: FireClean
from: http://www.shootingwire.com/story/272180
AcuSport® Corporation, a leading distributor of shooting and hunting products, is pleased to announce the addition of FireClean™. The company produces an advanced gun oil that is non-toxic and odorless. The product is designed to melt carbon while lubricating and conditioning the gun in one step. It is engineered and tested for use on all firearm types from black powder firearms to belt-fed machine guns.
Remington Introduces Model 1911 R1 Carry
from: http://www.shootingwire.com/story/272159
Remington is proud to introduce a new version of America's favorite pistol design, built by America's most trusted gunmaker - the Remington Model 1911 R1 Carry.
The R1 Carry is a full-size 1911 pistol that is "de-horned," meaning that any sharp edges have been smoothed, making the pistol easier to carry and holster without the worry of the edges catching or grabbing.
Shooting Illustrated Asks: Is This Your Carry Load?
from: http://www.shootingwire.com/story/272158
If you're forced to defend yourself at night and this is your carry load, you'd better make that first shot count-because a lot of bad things can happen in the seconds or minutes it will take for your night vision to return. November's issue of Shooting Illustrated takes an afterhours look at 15 popular defensive handgun loads, photographically recording their performance when delivered from five different personal-defense handguns.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
September sees 14.7% increase in firearms sales checks over same month last year; 28th straight month over month increase
from: http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/node/8582
The September 2012 NSSF-adjusted National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) figure of 1,007,259 is an increase of 14.7 percent over the NSSF-adjusted NICS figure of 878,345 in September 2011. For comparison, the unadjusted September 2012 NICS figure of 1,450,737 reflects a 16.6 percent increase from the unadjusted NICS figure of 1,244,604 in September 2011.
This marks the 28th straight month that NSSF-adjusted NICS figures have increased when compared to the same period the previous year and the highest figures ever reported for the month of September.
The adjusted NICS data were derived by subtracting out NICS purpose code permit checks used by several states such as Kentucky, Iowa and Michigan for CCW permit application checks as well as checks on active CCW permit databases.
Though not a direct correlation to firearms sales, the NSSF-adjusted NICS data provide a more accurate picture of current market conditions. In addition to other purposes, NICS is used to check transactions of firearms sales and transfers on new and used handguns and long guns.
FLASH: Obama vows new push to ban semi-automatic rifles in a second term; Romney challenges President over "Fast & Furious"
from: http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/node/8586
by Chad D. Baus
In his second debate with Governor Mitt Romney on Tuesday Oct. 16, President Barack Obama pledged to renew his push to ban certain semi-automatic sporting rifles, should he win a second term.
The discussion on the two candidates' positions on the Second Amendment followed for several minutes, and Mitt Romney raised the issue of the Obama Justice Department's "Fast & Furious" operation, which allowed thousands of guns to be "walked" across the border and into the hands of murderous Mexican drug lords.
Indeed, the Brady bunch know that Obama wants to pass gun control, since just last year Sarah Brady told The Washington Post that Obama confided to her: "I just want you to know that we are working on it. We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar."
Obama also hinted at an effort to ban inexpensive handguns, often purchased by less fortunate people who wish to exercise their self-defense rights.
From Reuters:
"What I'm trying to do is to get a broader conversation about how do we reduce the violence generally. Part of it is seeing if we can get an assault weapons ban reintroduced. But part of it is also looking at other sources of the violence. Because frankly, in my hometown of Chicago, there's an awful lot of violence and they're not using AK-47s. They're using cheap handguns."
Thoughout his first term, the Obama administration has sought to keep its efforts to enact gun control "under the radar." As noted in The Wall Street Journal today, when Attorney General Eric Holder mentioned the administration's support for the ban in 2009, Mr. Obama's then chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, promptly told him to "shut the f@#$ up" about guns.
However, Obama's pledge to renew the push to ban these rifles, which are owned by millions of Americans, including hunters and sportsmen, and his hint at "cheap handguns" as a "source of violence," deflated a narrative started earlier this week in an Associated Press article that gun owners have nothing to fear from an Obama second term.
Last night, Romney told the audience "I'm not in favor of new pieces of legislation on guns and taking guns away or making certain guns illegal."
Romney also pointed out the hypocrisy of Obama's diatribe about reducing violence in light of the ATF's "Fast & Furious" scandal. Like the scandal itself, the media have largely ignored Romney's challenge of Obama on this issue in coverage of last night's debate.
As noted on Townhall.com, after Romney briefly described the scandal, "moderator Candy Crowley cut him off and shifted the subject. President Obama refused to comment on Operation Fast and Furious and blamed the National Rifle Association for Romney's stance on gun control."
Duty Pistol Optics?
from: http://www.thetacticalwire.com/features/226670
Advantage of single point of focus, disadvantage everything else? Perhaps it's time to re-examine pistol optics for duty.
Shooters got to try the RMR on pistols by SIG and Glock.
"Now, how well do they work in adverse light environments; Indoors or when you're running a weaponlight for target ID? I have no idea. Does the reticle shine back enough to prevent target ID in that last moment? Not sure. No one said we're jumping ship today, but it's time more of us got a look. Dave Spaulding tried a mini-red dot on a pistol. I notice his current gun has metal sights.
That said, it's far easier driving the dot to the target and controlling the trigger than learning to use metal sights. It's the wave of the future - whatever problems we can identify in the simulators.
We can climb aboard now or get dragged aboard later."
Gander Mountain Academy locations to host Ladies Expo
from: http://www.thetacticalwire.com/story/272095
Gander Mountain Academy is widely known as a great place for men and women to train and perfect their firearms safety and self-defense skills. On Thursday Oct. 25, the nation's half-dozen Gander Mountain Academy locations will have a special focus on females interested in personal protection and fun.
Viridian Urges Dealers to Stock up Before Presidential Election
from: http://www.thetacticalwire.com/story/272089
Viridian, maker of the world's most advanced lasers, lights and holster systems is urging dealers to stock up on accessories to capture as many high margin sales as possible during this busy sales period. With handguns and other tactical firearms selling at a record pace, as well as the looming presidential election, dealers need to plan ahead and be prepared to maximize sales.
Bang Bang Photo Contest Will Award FAB GL-Mag M4 Survival Stock
from: http://www.thetacticalwire.com/story/272080
Win a FAB GL-MAG M4 Survival Stock and a 10-round 5.56/.223 magazine.
A photo of a shooting scene in which the Bang Bang Badge is visible is all it takes to put yourself into the running to win a FAB GL-MAG M4 SURVIVAL STOCK for AR-15 (M4) Rifles, and a 10-round 5.56/.223 magazine.
See Complete Rules and download the Bang Bang Button at http://www.freesurvivalmag.com.
Patriot Range Day
Patriot Range Day
November 8-11
from: http://www.thetacticalwire.com/story/272076
NSSF Encourages Participation in Patriot Range Day
Shooting facilities and shooting-competition organizers are urged to participate in the inaugural Patriot Range Day, November 8-11, which will support the efforts of Folds of Honor. This program will enable shooters to help families of our nation's heroes and will draw attention to the meaning of Veterans Day as a time to honor those who have served to protect our freedoms.
The Case for Crossdraw Holsters For Concealed Carry
by R.K. Campbell
Contributing Editor
from: http://www.gunweek.com/2005/feature0101.html
"The crossdraw holster is demanding of time but once the advantages of the type are understood, it is a holster that is appreciated. The trick is understanding the crossdraw. For my part, that is a long story. "
"The crossdraw is at its best as a concealed carry rig. But those who practice the martial arts often prefer the crossdraw for retention. How is that? Simple! When combating a forward or rearward originating gun grab, we clamp the strong hand on the gun when wearing a standard holster."
Monday, October 22, 2012
Product Safety Recall Notice - Remington
Product Safety Recall Notice
Warning - Do Not Use
Remington 338 Lapua Magnum
250 Grain Scenar Match Ammunition Lot Nos. L13SA29L, L13SA29R, L13SB29L, or L13SB29R
Remington has determined the above lots may have been improperly loaded. Improper loading may cause malfunctions which may result in damage to the firearm, serious personal injury or death.
Remington 338 Lapua Magnum 250 Grain Scenar Match Ammunition Lot Nos. L13SA29L, L13SA29R, L13SB29L, or L13SB29R
from: http://www.remington.com/pages/news-and-resources/safety-center/safety-warning-recall-notice-Remington338-250Gr-Match.aspx
Are you a member of ACA?
ACA = Armed Citizen Alliance
The Armed Citizen Alliance (ACA) provides an avenue for ordinary citizens to practice, train, and become familiar with the use of concealed carry handguns and other personal defense firearms in an organized recreational context that simulates real-world situations. It has two core missions.
The first mission is to provide our overall concealed-carry and personal defense community and industry with an organization and a program to which personal-defense firearms customers can turn as their “first-contact” point for practice and familiarization. The ACA enables the entire concealed-carry community to be pro-active on the issue of practice, preparation, and training.
The second, and equally important mission, is to offer an attractive and easily accessible program to “draw in” new and inexperienced purchasers of concealed-carry & personal defense firearms to gain them familiarization with their personal & home defense firearms while having fun doing it.
There are many other national and state organizations promoting concealed carry. These are primarily political organizations, aimed at advancing the cause of concealed carry legislation. The ACA is the first and only national membership organization designed to promote actual hands-on practice, training, and recreational shooting with concealed carry and personal defense firearms within a structured context.
Hornady® releases 9th Edition Handbook of Cartridge Reloading
from: http://www.shootingwire.com/story/271951
he 9th Edition Hornady® Handbook of Cartridge Reloading will be available December 1st, offering reloaders over 900 pages worth of the latest reloading data representing 233 different calibers, 146 powders, and 304 bullets.
The Handbook includes data on all the newest Hornady® bullets like the MonoFlex®, NTX®, GMX® and FTX®, plus longtime favorites like the V-MAX™, SST®, InterBond®, InterLock®, A-MAX®, XTP®, and more.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
.22 TCM 1911
Armscor: http://www.armscor.com.ph/newprod.htm
1911A2-.22 TCM
Semi-auto & recoil operated action; Std. front sight mounted on dovetail cut; Adjustable snag-free style rear sight; 1.81-2.72 kg. trigger pull; Std safety; Combat hammer; High sweep beavertail grip safety; 3.17 kgs. Recoil spring and 7.71 kgs. Mainspring; Flat top serrated slide; Parkerized finish; Polymer grip stock; Pistol case; One magazines.
Caliber : .22 TCM
Mag. Capacity : 17 rounds
Barrel Length : 127 mm
Overall Length : 217 mm
Weight, empty : 1.03 kgs.
The Tuason-Craig MicroMagnum stuffs a .223 bullet into a 9mm casing to create a hot little cartridge that gives maximum muzzle velocity with minimum recoil. It is called .22 TCM for short and it throws a 40-grain projectile at around 2,100 feet per second out of a 1911.
FYI: each .22 TCM 1911 comes with a spare 9mm caliber barrel, and the rear sight on the gun is adjustable to make up for the difference in point of impact down range
Another reason not to think about residency in Chicago?
Bullet Tax Proposal Robs Chicago Sportsmen
Posted on October 19, 2012
from: http://www.ussportsmen.org/hunting/bullet-tax-proposal-robs-chicago-sportsmen/
Cook County, Illinois Board of Commissioners President Toni Preckwinkle is proposing a so-called “violence tax” in her budget plan for the County. The unjustified and ill-conceived attack includes a five- cent tax on every bullet and a $25 tax on every firearm sold within the County. According to the Associated Press, the tax would be on gun dealers, rather than customers. Either way, sportsmen will pay a higher cost to hunt and shoot.
Under the proposal, some ammunition prices could see increases of more than 50 percent. A case of shotshells would cost an extra $12.50 and a brick of .22 cartridges would go up a jaw-dropping $25.
“The Commissioner claims to be worried about crime,” said Evan Heusinkveld, U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance director of state services. “While this proposal does nothing to curb violence, it is government sanctioned robbery of law abiding sportsmen. Not to mention, it will run local gun stores out of business who won’t be able to compete with prices in neighboring counties.”
According to Commissioner Preckwinkle, no other county or city in the country taxes gun owners this way.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Archery to Have Shot at Reality TV
from: http://www.shootingwire.com/features/226653
A press release from the NBC Sports Network detailing its plans for an upcoming reality show based on competitive archery called "Nock Out."
It appears to The Archery Wire that those NBC Sports wordsmiths really outdid themselves. So much so, that in the press release they were obligated to explain to those reality show fans unfamiliar with bow and arrows and that the title Nock Out is a "play on words."
The press release explains to non-toxophilites that "nock" is archery terminology, and it's described as "the part of an arrow that secures it to the bowstring."
The Latest GUNS Magazine Special Edition Prepares Hunters for Fall Season
from: http://www.shootingwire.com/story/271871
Hunters will find the 2013 Fall/Winter GUNS Magazine Special Edition to be a timely and valuable hunting partner this season. The bonus edition includes 11 features devoted to different aspects of hunting.
Texas Department of Public Safety chooses SIG SAUER® 1911 Handguns
from: http://www.shootingwire.com/story/271870
SIG SAUER®, a U.S.-based leading manufacturer of law enforcement and military firearms, has been selected by the Texas Department of Public Safety's (DPS) Special Operations Group (SOG) to provide .45 Auto 1911 TACOPs as the agency's official sidearm. The SOG is the tactical unit of the Texas DPS that includes the Texas Ranger Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Team, the Texas Ranger Reconnaissance Team, and the Special Response Team.
"SIG SAUER has a long history of service with the famed Texas Rangers, and are honored to see it continue," said Gary Wade, SIG SAUER vice president of law enforcement, government and military sales. "It's fitting that such a renowned agency has selected what many consider the all-American handgun in the 1911."
The intensive testing process began when the group sought out a large-caliber handgun capable of making fast and accurate follow-up shots. After intensive endurance and environmental testing was concluded, the SIG SAUER 1911 TACOPs pistol was selected by the Texas Ranger SWAT Team. Since then, DPS SOG has authorized officers the option of carrying either the 1911 TACOPs or their duty issued SIG SAUER P226 DAK in .357SIG.
LensPen: A Necessity When You Head Outdoors
from: http://www.shootingwire.com/story/271849
First, use the retractable natural brush to remove any loose dust. If fingerprints remain, twist the cap off on the other end and use the carbon-impregnated cleaning pad to completely clean the lens. The carbon compound used in LensPen products is similar to the one found in printer's ink, which is why newspapers remain an effective way to clean windows, mirrors and other glass surfaces.
The twist-action cap is a new feature introduced with the recent LensPen re-design. This new twist action is important for two reasons: it re-charges the carbon on the cleaning tip, and it ensures that the cap won't pop off. Other new LensPen features include a compact size and ergonomic design.
Shooting Illustrated Offers "The Ultimate Headache Cure" From Patrick Kelley
from: http://www.shootingwire.com/story/271848
ShootingIllustrated.com has the ultimate headache cure, courtesy of "TacTricks with Patrick Kelley." While previous videos have demonstrated his superior skills with a variety of firearms, the latest installment may be the most incredible yet. This month's amazing feat of marksmanship has Kelley smashing an aspirin pill at 21 feet using a 1911 in a video you won't want to miss-"Pat's Pain."
Wilson Combat Announces the Availability of High Performance AR Upper Receivers
from: http://www.shootingwire.com/story/271822
Wilson Combat is pleased to announce the availability of over 30 custom AR complete upper receivers, seven different calibers and multiple barrel profiles to fit any sporting or tactical role.
Upper receivers are available in .204 Ruger, 5.56 NATO, .223 Wylde, 6.8 SPC-II, 300 Blackout, 7.62X40 WT, and .458 SOCOM in various barrel profiles.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Introducing Remington® Country eZine
from: http://www.thetacticalwire.com/story/271757
Remington Arms Company, LLC (Remington) is proud to announce the debut of a new interactive, online magazine designed for hunters and shooters - Remington Country eZine.
Remington Country eZine is the ultimate media zone for sportsmen seeking the latest information and insights from the world's leading outdoor brand. The online magazine combines the best in writing by award-winning authors and Remington insiders, stunning photography, informational and educational videos - all designed to create the next generation of media experience for hunters and shooters.
he October 2012 edition of Remington Country eZine is available now at Remington.com and will be delivered electronically to subscribers of Remington's e-newsletter. Remington Country eZine is a quarterly publication available at no charge to subscribers.
CrossBreed Holsters Offers New Ankle Rig
from: http://www.thetacticalwire.com/story/271751
CrossBreed Holsters, LLC, an industry-leading manufacturer of concealment holsters, is proud to introduce the Ankle Rig holster to its product line.
Expanding our line of alternate carry methods, we are pleased to offer our own Ankle Rig. Designed by Mark Craighead and manufactured in the USA, our CrossBreed Holsters Ankle Rig offers a deep concealment option for small guns.
With our calf support strap, this ankle rig won't be riding down and slapping your anklebone. It also features a padded ankle section for greater comfort and a thumb break for secure carry even in rigorous activity while still being easy to draw from when needed.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
New Hi-Lux Scopes Offer Top-Angler Focus and Built-In Ranging
from: http://www.shootingwire.com/story/271589
Every Top-Angle Focus Professional 30mm Series model starts with a premium quality one-piece aluminum tube. For added strength and rigidity, the erector housing is machined larger in outside diameter. This in turn allows that portion of the tube to be enlarged internally, for added windage and elevation adjustment. The front of the enlarged housing also forms a recoil shoulder for the front scope ring of heavy recoiling rifles in calibers like the .338 Winchester Magnum, the .375 H&H Magnum, or even a .50 caliber BMG long-range tactical rifle. Internally, the erector is much beefier than that found in "standard quality" scope construction, providing a more solid mounting for internal lenses.
A great feature of this model is the Top-Angle Focus adjustment, which makes it easier than ever to adjust for parallax and keep the sight picture and target in crisp and sharp focus at all ranges. Located just forward of the elevation adjustment turret, and off-set to the left at a 45-degree angle, the Top-Angle Focus turret is much easier to reach than an objective lens mounted parallax adjustment...or even the side-mounted parallax focus adjustment of a few other scopes. Being mounted at an angle also makes it easier for the left-handed shooter to reach.
Another great feature of this scope is the "No-Math Mil-Dot" ranging reticle. Determining the distance of a target has never been more simple. Brackets on all four sides of the juncture of the crosshairs allow the shooter to zoom in the power of the scope until a target of known size is framed by the crosshair and bracket (or between two brackets for larger targets), then all the shooter has to do is look at the range on the power magnification ring and hold accordingly to allow for bullet drop. The system is quick...and accurate.
Available in 3-12x50mm, 4-16x50mm and 7-30x50mm models, each come with a sun-shade extension and flip up lens covers. Retail prices range from $299 to $449. All Hi-Lux Optics are backed by a Limited Lifetime Warranty.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Magnified Optics in Law Enforcement Operations
Editor's Notebook: Magnified Optics in Law Enforcement Operations
Very interesting article
from: http://www.thetacticalwire.com/features/226635
The current rage in combat optics has to be the zero magnification reflex and/or holographic sight. They're quick to acquire on close range threats, easy enough to use, have long-lasting batteries and are quite durable. There's a lot to like. As my current operation requires no response to community threats but threats inside a fairly small dwelling, the zero-mag serves the purpose quite well.
Magnified optics for just "snipers?" Here's a photo depicted two life-size 2-dimensional "threat" targets, at a scant 35 yards with no magnification. What's in the left target's "hand"?
IWI - X95 Assault Rifle
Israel Weapon Industries (IWI) Introduces Conversion Kit for 5.45mm for the X95 Assault Rifle
from: http://www.thetacticalwire.com/story/271528
Ramat Ha'Sharon, Israel, October 15, 2012 - Israel Weapon Industries (IWI) is a leader in the production of combat-proven small arms for Governmental and Military entities as well as law enforcement agencies around the world. Continuously developing new capabilities, attributes, configurations, and applications, the company introduces its new conversion kit for the X95 assault rifle for 5.45mm-caliber ammunition - making it the only weapon in the world with 3 calibers: 5.56mm, 9mm, and 5.45mm.
Designed for Military, Law Enforcement, and Special Forces, the X95 was developed in close cooperation with elite units, and was tailored to their specific requirements. Incorporating advanced technology enabling the conversion between calibers within minutes, Special Ops can use the same weapon platform for a wide array of scenarios. The kit can include a silencer for all calibers, distinguishing the X95 as the ideal weapon for Special Forces dealing with complex situations.
Monday, October 15, 2012
When the Balloon Goes Up! Launches Online Store for Gear That Just Works
from: http://www.shootingwire.com/story/271435
When the Balloon Goes Up!, one of the most popular firearms blogs focused on training and gear for concealed carry, pistol competition and 72 hour preparedness, has launched a new online store to further serve that market.
Berger Bullets Releases First Edition Reloading Manual
from: http://www.shootingwire.com/story/271430
Berger Bullets is proud to announce the release of their first Reloading Manual. This 829 page book offers reloading data for 71 different rifle cartridges, and aims to gives shooters everything they come to expect from a reloading manual, along with several extra items they will find interesting and useful.
One of these additional features is The Story of Walt Berger. Walt was born at the end of the Golden Twenties and the beginning of the Great Depression. His story is about overcoming great odds and seeing things through to success when almost everyone around him was convinced he would fail.
There are technical articles on subjects such as Powder - Lot to Lot Variation Discussed. Noted Editor John Barsness tackles this subject with skill and experience. He provides the shooter with a much greater understanding of why reloading manuals do not list the same loads from manual to manual, yet are more consistent than shooters might think.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Hi-Lux Introduces Scope For Those Old Cowboys With Old Eyes
from: http://www.shootingwire.com/story/271336
There's still a lot of interest in the guns of the "Old West", especially the early Winchester lever-action rifles and carbines. Anyone with a few extra bucks can now own a "mint condition" modern reproduction of a brass or steel framed Henry, the "Yellowboy" brass framed Model 1866, a faithful copy of the Model 1873 rifle that "Won the West", its bigger brother the Model 1876, a big bore Model 1886, or the sleek Model 1892. Winchester has even introduced an all new "Sporting Rifle" version of the Model 1894.
Hanging a modern style scope on these guns just doesn't look right, and due to the top ejection of fired cases with all of these early Winchester style lever guns, that scope cannot be mounted directly over the top of the receiver. The older style short Wm. Malcolm scopes and mounts now available from Hi-Lux Optics can be the solution to both dilemmas.
Available in choice of 3x or 6x, the 3/4" diameter steel tube Malcolm scopes are of late 1880s-early 1890s styling, and are a great match for early top-eject lever rifles. Hi-Lux Optics has also developed mounts that make it easy to offset these scopes just enough to allow ejected cases to clear. The mounts for the 1873 and 1876 models require absolutely no gunsmithing (no drilling and tapping) . The front mount utilizes the dovetail cut for the rear sight, while the rear mount requires the sliding dust cover to be removed from the rifle, then it attaches to the receiver using the raised and bevel-edged rail for the cover. The mounts for Models 1886, 1892 and 1894 will require having the receiver drilled and tapped for attaching the off-set rear mount. Likewise, any knowledgeable gunsmith can use these mounts for scoping the Henry or Model 1866 copies.
The scopes are backed with a Limited Lifetime Warranty and retails @ $299.00 for the 3x and $325.00 for the 6x.
Nosler's Reloading Guide #7
from: http://www.shootingwire.com/story/271310
Nosler, Inc. is proud to announce the release of their latest load data manual, Reloading Guide #7. Included in this 864 page Reloading Guide is the most up to date handloading data incorporating new cartridges, powders and Nosler's entire bullet lineup.
Nosler Reloading Guide #7 features over 120 cartridges and several informative sections such as "Getting Ready to Reload" for the beginning handloader, to bullet cutaways that explain bullet construction and performance as well as energy and drop tables for more advanced reloaders.
Reloading Guide #7 will be available in hard copy November 2012, and soon, will be offered in digital format where the entire manual can be purchased for download.
Double Tap Inventor Severs Relationship With Heizer Defense
from: http://www.shootingwire.com/story/271297
The inventor of the DoubleTap Tactical Pocket Pistol announced yesterday afternoon in an open letter that he has terminated his relationship with Heizer Defense, the manufacturing partner for the pistol.
To our valued customers:
As the inventor of the DoubleTap™ pistol and owner of the design and utility patents, along with other intellectual property including the DoubleTap™ name, I am issuing this press release to inform our loyal customers of the current status of the production of this new innovative pistol.
Since we introduced the DoubleTap™ Tactical Pocket Pistol in November of last year, we have been overwhelmed by the industry reception; the popularity confirmed by literally tens of thousands of orders placed by consumers to their dealers, through our distributor partners.
Unfortunately, with the deepest regret, today I announce that we have terminated our relationship with HEIZER DEFENSE, our manufacturing partner, due to their inability to manufacture the DoubleTap™ pistol. I cannot comment further on this subject at this time, under advice from legal counsel, due to pending litigation.
It is our intention to immediately license the design to a leading firearms manufacturer or to align with another manufacturing source to produce the DoubleTap™. We intend to accomplish this as quickly as possible to satisfy the huge demand for the DoubleTap™ pistol. I will make a further announcement as soon as we have established a new manufacturing agreement.
Please visit our new website www.doubletapfirearmsllc.com for news updates.
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