The MidwayUSA exclusive Viper HS Tactical 5-15x 44mm has all of the characteristics in the Vortex HS line of scopes. The Mil-Dot reticle, matched with the 1/10 mil click adjustments, eliminates the need for any conversions from MOA to Mil. The reticle is also calibrated for range estimation when at 15 power magnification. The red fiber optic on the ocular allows you to check the magnification setting when using the Mil-Dots for holdover and range estimation. Constructed of high grade aluminum, the one piece tube allows for ample mounting space and 100% weatherproofing. The fully multi-coated lenses provide unmatched clarity and superior light transmission under any lighting condition.

Thursday, March 29, 2012
MidwayUSA Offers Exclusive Viper HS Tactical Scope from Vortex
The MidwayUSA exclusive Viper HS Tactical 5-15x 44mm has all of the characteristics in the Vortex HS line of scopes. The Mil-Dot reticle, matched with the 1/10 mil click adjustments, eliminates the need for any conversions from MOA to Mil. The reticle is also calibrated for range estimation when at 15 power magnification. The red fiber optic on the ocular allows you to check the magnification setting when using the Mil-Dots for holdover and range estimation. Constructed of high grade aluminum, the one piece tube allows for ample mounting space and 100% weatherproofing. The fully multi-coated lenses provide unmatched clarity and superior light transmission under any lighting condition.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Ruger 10/22 Takedown™
Posted by DRTV News Staff on Mar 28th, 2012
Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. (NYSE: RGR) is proud to introduce the Ruger 10/22 Takedown™. Readily separated into two subassemblies, the Ruger 10/22 Takedown offers a convenient transport and storage option for the popular Ruger® 10/22®. As reliable and accurate as every 10/22, the Ruger 10/22 Takedown makes it even easier to keep America’s favorite rimfire rifle by your side.
The Ruger 10/22 Takedown is shipped in a ballistic nylon backpack-style case that features internal sleeves which hold the subassemblies. External pockets with MOLLE webbing provide storage for magazines, ammunition, and other accessories.
Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. (NYSE: RGR) is proud to introduce the Ruger 10/22 Takedown™. Readily separated into two subassemblies, the Ruger 10/22 Takedown offers a convenient transport and storage option for the popular Ruger® 10/22®. As reliable and accurate as every 10/22, the Ruger 10/22 Takedown makes it even easier to keep America’s favorite rimfire rifle by your side.
The Ruger 10/22 Takedown is shipped in a ballistic nylon backpack-style case that features internal sleeves which hold the subassemblies. External pockets with MOLLE webbing provide storage for magazines, ammunition, and other accessories.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Eric Holder: We must "brainwash" people against guns has unearthed video from a 1995 CSPAN2 broadcast which shows Eric Holder, then a U.S. attorney under President Clinton and now President Obama's Attorney General, calling for a program in America's schools and U.S. media that would "brainwash" people against guns.
Holder's Department of Justice is responsible for the ATF "Fast & Furious" gun-running scandal, which has led to the deaths of hundreds of Mexicans and at least one American border patrol agent, and the video casts more light on the program, which internal emails have proved was designed to convince American voters to support more gun control.
Holder also can be heard saying that he "asked the school board to make a part of every day some kind of anti-violence, anti-gun message. Every day, every school, at every level."
Do you believe this???!!!!!!! Does not believe in the 2nd Amendment!!!!!
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Voters approve concealed carry ordinance in Pike County, Illinois
In the election held Tuesday, March 20, 2012, the voters of Pike County, Illinois, approved a firearms concealed-carry ordinance by a 3,214 to 550 margin. It was one of the largest voter turnouts in county history. The ordinance directly contradicts current Illinois state law. As presented on the ballot, the ordinance took effect upon passage, and applies only to Pike County. The ordinance was placed on the ballot by a citizen initiative petition process that garnered three times the number of signatures required by law.
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Republished from The Outdoor Wire.
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Republished from The Outdoor Wire.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
No Fear - Former Ohio police detective espouses concealed carry
Robert R.Surgenor Sr, retired police detective, makes the (convincing) case for concealed carry and gun ownership by law abiding citizens. Unlike so many anti gun people he points out the positive aspects. The audio of 911 calls, beginning and end, show a stark and tragic contrast with regard to being defenseless or armed.
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Ohio and Kansas Sign Concealed Carry Reciprocity Agreements
Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine and Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt have signed an agreement permitting reciprocity between their states for citizens who have valid concealed carry permits.
"This agreement between Ohio and Kansas allows Ohioans with valid concealed carry permits the same rights to carry a concealed handgun in the State of Kansas," said Attorney General DeWine. "Likewise, it also allows Kansans who have valid concealed carry permits to do the same in Ohio."
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Thursday, March 15, 2012
Let’s hear it for Colorado
Colorado Supreme Court issued its ruling in the Regents of the University of Colorado v. Students for Concealed Carry on Campus case, affirming the right of individuals who have appropriate permits to carry concealed handguns on CU’s campuses. The court held that the General Assembly intended, through the Concealed Carry Act, to divest the Board of Regents of its authority to regulate concealed handgun possession on campus.
You will not see a Virginia Tech style rampage on campuses in Colorado.
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Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Leica Sets New Standard with the Innovative Rangemaster CRF 1600-B Rangefinder
Born from Leica's 20-year commitment to continuous laser rangefinding innovation, the Rangemaster CRF 1600-B compact laser rangefinder boasts a unique integrated ballistics system that features three modes of application, 12 ballistic curves and three different zeroing ranges to deliver more accurate ballistics information than ever before.
The Leica Rangemaster CRF 1600-B will be available from authorized Leica dealers beginning June 2012.
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Februrary sees 31.4% increase in firearms sales checks over same month last year; 21st straight month over month increase
Submitted by cbaus
The February 2012 NSSF-adjusted National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) figure of 1,266,344 is an increase of 31.4 percent over the NSSF-adjusted NICS figure of 963,746 in February 2011. For comparison, the unadjusted February 2012 NICS figure of 1,734,646 reflects a 18.6 percent increase from the unadjusted NICS figure of 1,463,138 in February 2011.
This marks the 21st straight month that NSSF-adjusted NICS figures have increased when compared to the same period the previous year.
The adjusted NICS data were derived by subtracting out NICS purpose code permit checks used by several states such as Kentucky, Iowa and Michigan for CCW permit application checks as well as checks on active CCW permit databases.
Though not a direct correlation to firearms sales, the NSSF-adjusted NICS data provide a more accurate picture of current market conditions. In addition to other purposes, NICS is used to check transactions of firearms sales and transfers on new and used handguns and long guns.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Wilson Combat Introduces The Super Sentinel
Super Sentinel is the most concealable .38 Super automatic pistol on the market today. Loaded with quality defensive .38 Super ammunition, the Super Sentinel generates .357 magnum-level energy with every shot and exceeds the power of +P+ 9mm rounds with the famed reliability and match grade accuracy of the .38 Super cartridge.
Available Calibers: .38 Super
Magazine Capacity: 8 rounds
Barrel Length: 3.6"
Overall Length: 7.2"
Sight Radius: 5.3"
Height: 4.8"
Width: 1.3"
Weight Empty: 25.2 oz.
Accuracy Guarantee: 1.5" at 25 yds.
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2012 NCAA Rifle Championship
Eight teams will compete for the national crown at the NCAA Men's and Women's Rifle Championships Friday & Saturday in Columbus, Ohio.
Team Qualifiers (Smallbore Three-Position and Air Rifle)
Jacksonville State
West Virginia
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Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Taurus Signs Jessie Harrison-Duff to Captain Shooting Team
Taurus, the world's foremost manufacturer of firearms announces Pro Shooter, Jessie Harrison-Duff as their Shooting Team Captain.
Jessie Harrison-Duff (formerly Jessie Abbate) has transformed her shooting career, from a beginning shooter to a top ranked professional. She has earned 22 National and 19 World Champion shooting titles, in 5 different shooting disciplines. Among these are the prestigious Bianchi Cup and the World Speed Shooting Championships.
She was with team Glock; but left about two years ago. Talk was that she would go with Smith&Wesson. Now it is Taurus.
Following her divorce, Jessie Abbate went back to using her maiden name, Jessie Harrison. Then, just a week ago, she remarried and is - technically speaking - now known as Mrs. Matt Duff.
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Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Time to arm willing teachers to stop spree killers ! or ?
by Jeff Thomas
By now everyone has heard about the Chardon High School shooting that left three students dead and two others wounded this week.
Many believed it was just a matter of time before a school shooting reached Ohio. On Monday morning it happened. This just highlights the need to arm willing teachers to serve as the last line of defense of our children.
While a lot remains unknown about Monday's shooting, had a willing and properly trained and armed teacher been present, this could have prevented multiple children from being shot.
I don't know anyone who would argue against the notion that children are the most precious gift in life.
Nor would any able-minded parent stop at anything to protect their children. Having the ability and means to protect children should not stop when they leave the home or enter school where they will spend more than 10,000 hours to someday be able to graduate from high school.
While some may try to argue that targeting schools for massacres is a new phenomenon that began with the Columbine High School shooting in 1999 that left 12 students and a teacher dead, and 21 others wounded, that's far from the truth. Bath Township, Mich., still holds the unwanted title for being the deadliest mass murder at a school in U.S. history when a man, enraged over property taxes to build a new school, set off a series of bombs. Killed were 38 elementary school children, two teachers, four other adults and the bomber.
There also have been countless other school killings that did not capture national headlines. On top of that, numerous plots have been foiled.
One thing is clear from history: school massacres have happened for many years and will continue to happen. While teachers have received training in how to lock down their classrooms, and police have changed their strategy to have the initial officers on the scene go in as opposed to waiting for a SWAT team, more needs to be done.
It's time we arm teachers who are willing to stand guard between our children and someone willing to harm them. This in no way means arming reluctant teachers, but rather arming teachers who are willing to accept the responsibility.
A teacher willing to take the appropriate training and pass a qualification test could become the one who saves numerous lives.
In Ohio, selling or providing a handgun to anyone under 21 is illegal, yet headlines claim it's easy for a child to get a gun
by Chad D. Baus
Ohio Revised Code 2923.21 says it plainly - it is illegal in Ohio to sell or furnish a handgun to anyone under 21 years of age, and it is illegal to sell or furnish a firearm of any kind to a person under 18 years of age. It is also illegal to sell or furnish a firearm to another person if the seller knows or has reason to know that the firearm is intended to be provided to an under-age person. Violating this law is a felony of the fifth degree, punishable by up to one year in prison and up to $2500 in fines.
It is also illegal to steal a firearm. It's illegal to take a firearm on school property. And of course it's illegal to shoot people with it.
Yet despite all of these gun control laws, if you just landed here from Mars last week and read the headlines, you'd be led to believe the State of Ohio's laws are so loose we might as well be selling guns in school cafeteria vending machines.
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A Parent’s Guide to School Shootings
by Greg Ellifritz
I walked into the high school wearing two guns and a bullet resistant vest. I had a rifle, six spare magazines, and a ballistic helmet stashed close by in my car. It was Wednesday, April 21st 1999, the day after what had been the worst school shooting in United States history. Two high school kids had just killed 12 of their fellow students and a teacher at Columbine High School in Colorado. The television was awash in the news coverage and everyone was scared.
Read the whole article
Maryland Ruling A Huge Victory For Second Amendment
A federal court ruling in Maryland, that the Second Amendment right to bear arms extends beyond the home and that citizens may not be required to offer a "good and substantial reason" for obtaining a concealed carry permit, is a huge victory, the Second Amendment Foundation said today.
Ruling in the case of Woollard v. Sheridan - a case brought by SAF in July 2010 on behalf of Maryland resident Raymond Woollard, who was denied his carry permit renewal - the U.S. District Court for Maryland ruled that "The Court finds that the right to bear arms is not limited to the home."
U.S. District Court Judge Benson Everett Legg noted, "In addition to self-defense, the (Second Amendment) right was also understood to allow for militia membership and hunting. To secure these rights, the Second Amendments protections must extend beyond the home: neither hunting nor militia training is a household activity, and self-defense has to take place wherever [a] person happens to be'."
"A citizen may not be required to offer a good and substantial reason' why he should be permitted to exercise his rights," Judge Legg wrote. "The right's existence is all the reason he needs."
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Westone Targets Hearing Protection for Shooting & Hunting Enthusiasts with DefendEar Digital
Westone Laboratories, Inc., the industry leader in custom hearing protection, has released three new custom digital electronic hearing protection devices addressing the specific needs of shooting and hunting enthusiasts.
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Tuff Products Offers Ankle Tourniquet Rig
It's important to carry emergency trauma supplies along with firearms but it's not easy for plainclothes officers or permit holders. Enter the Ankle Tourniquet rig - to carry some models of tourniquet, along with gauze, gloves and clotting agents.
The Ankle Tourniquet Rig costs $30.50 and holds (not included) Quick Clot, Combat Gauze, Latex Gloves, and a Soft-T Tourniquet or similar. And there's Free Standard Shipping on all USA orders!
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Burris Introduces the FastFire III
Burris is pleased to announce the introduction of the latest generation in red-dot sights with the launch of FastFire III - the ideal sight solution for pinpoint accuracy on handguns, shotguns and rifles. The FastFire III is extremely fast, rugged and low profile. This newest addition of the FastFire line is ideal for tactical applications with the choice of either a 3 MOA or an 8 MOA dot.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
New Hybrid Concealed Carry Holsters
For those of you who can’t decide between leather or polymer for a concealed carry holster, Safariland has you covered with a hybrid that give you the best of both worlds.
The Bianchi Allusion series of concealment holsters combines the best of existing leather and synthetic holster technologies into a holster that offers both traditional good looks and long-lasting high-performance. The series consists of three initial models: the Model 125 Consent, Model 130 Classified, and the Model 135 Suppression. All are formed with premium high-grade, full-grain leather wrapped and laminated around a thermal-molded synthetic core. This synthetic liner promotes a very quick draw and effortless reholstering.
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Friday, March 2, 2012
Birchwood Casey Expands the Darkotic Line
Practice for the zombie apocalypse is now more fun than ever with the new splattering Darkotic® Insectoid targets from Birchwood Casey®.
Birchwood Casey Darkotic Targets have proven to be popular with the zombie shooting crowd. The Darkotic Insectoid targets expand the line to include even more nasty creatures that are fun to shoot.
Four new "undead" insects are available. The Blood Drive™ Mosquito, Crawl Space™ Spider, Buzz Kill™ Fly and the House Guest™ Cockroach.
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Thursday, March 1, 2012
Illinois: Women Advised to Use Combs,Keys, and vomit Against Rapists
by: Brian McCombie
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As reported by the Rockford Star, “Women who log onto an Illinois State Police Web page will find they are advised to protect themselves [in case of sexual assault] with a ‘rat tail comb, keys, pens and pencils’ against an assailant armed with a gun or knife. As a last resort, women are told put their fingers into their throats and to make themselves vomit, apparently to make themselves less attractive.”
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As reported by the Rockford Star, “Women who log onto an Illinois State Police Web page will find they are advised to protect themselves [in case of sexual assault] with a ‘rat tail comb, keys, pens and pencils’ against an assailant armed with a gun or knife. As a last resort, women are told put their fingers into their throats and to make themselves vomit, apparently to make themselves less attractive.”
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