From Down Range TV:
Last weekend, over 230 shooters met in Piru, CA, for the 2011 World Speed Shooting Championships. Mike Seeklander, our new co-host on Best Defense, gives us an insight about this style of competition and talks to fellow shooters about their experiences.
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Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Chuck Norris - - - Obama Smuggling Guns and Registering Yours
President Barack Obama wants you to believe that America's Founding Fathers were in error when they gave citizens the right to bear arms.
On the one hand, Fox News reported that in 2009-10, more than 20,000 guns recovered in Mexico came from U.S. manufacturers. On the other hand, 75 percent of guns submitted to the U.S. could not be traced to a licensed gun store. But there is one place to which more than 2,000 crime guns could be traced: the federal government.
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Attorney General (Ohio) announces Second Quarter 2011 CHL statistics; Ohio Concealed Carry numbers hits new record
From BFA - by Jim Irvine
Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine (R) has released the concealed handgun license (CHL) statistics for the second quarter of 2011. At the end of June, we set another all-time record of approximately 243,121 Ohio residents licensed to carry concealed firearms. (See chart)
There were 14,594 new CHLs, 19 temporary emergency licenses (TELs) issued and 749 licenses renewed in the April through June period this year.
There was a significant drop in the renewal numbers because we have transitioned from the licenses that were valid for a period of four years to the ones that are valid for five years. There were actually no regular licenses that expired during the second quarter. All 749 renewals were licenses that had expired in previous quarters, but had not yet been renewed. The bottom line is that total renewal rates increased, rather than decreased. Raw renewal numbers will remain very low for the next few quarters because no regular licenses will expire until March of 2012. TELs are only valid for 90 days and cannot be renewed.
Only 79 licenses were revoked. Less than one-half of one percent of all CHL’s have ever been revoked for any reason, including death or moving out of state.
Concealed carry works.
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Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine (R) has released the concealed handgun license (CHL) statistics for the second quarter of 2011. At the end of June, we set another all-time record of approximately 243,121 Ohio residents licensed to carry concealed firearms. (See chart)
There were 14,594 new CHLs, 19 temporary emergency licenses (TELs) issued and 749 licenses renewed in the April through June period this year.
There was a significant drop in the renewal numbers because we have transitioned from the licenses that were valid for a period of four years to the ones that are valid for five years. There were actually no regular licenses that expired during the second quarter. All 749 renewals were licenses that had expired in previous quarters, but had not yet been renewed. The bottom line is that total renewal rates increased, rather than decreased. Raw renewal numbers will remain very low for the next few quarters because no regular licenses will expire until March of 2012. TELs are only valid for 90 days and cannot be renewed.
Only 79 licenses were revoked. Less than one-half of one percent of all CHL’s have ever been revoked for any reason, including death or moving out of state.
Concealed carry works.
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Report: Gun crimes drop at Virginia bars and restaurants
From BFA - Education Guns in the News Gun Grabbers - - - by Chad D. Baus
In the days before concealed carry became the law of the land in Ohio, opponents like the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence's Toby Hoover decried the proposed law, claiming that "If we have more use of guns, then we're going to have more people who are injured and die," and that "A person who has a gun sees danger. We will have more shootings, more accidents."
During the debate over Ohio's Castle Doctrine legislation, Hoover asked "what if a 12 year-old Girl Scout and her mother go up to someone's door, and the homeowner shoots them?", warning that "The bill would allow gun carriers to shoot first, claiming self-defense anywhere they are. Be careful how you appear to others, as you might be perceived as a threat."
Those warnings were proven 100% false. But that hasn't stopped the same gun ban extremists from making the same claims each and every time Buckeye Firearms Association has worked to improve gun laws in Ohio even further.
Most recently, anti-Second Amendment rights groups sounded their "Chicken Little" alarms about Ohio's Restaurant Carry legislation.
"I am sure those who want to do this will claim they will never drink and they won't when they are carrying their guns," Hoover told The Cincinnati Enquirer. "But people who carry guns everyday say they will never misuse them, and they do. And then there's always the fact that someone next to them can even take their gun and use it."
Hoover also told WTOL, Toledo's CBS affiliate, that "If I am going to take my children and my family to a restaurant then I don't want to be sitting next to people that are carrying guns."
But as a new report from Virginia shows, Hoover is going to be much LESS likely to be made the victim of a major crime in a restaurant or bar once this law takes effect on September 30.
From The Richmond Times-Dispatch:
Virginia's bars and restaurants did not turn into shooting galleries as some had feared during the first year of a new state law that allows patrons with permits to carry concealed guns into alcohol-serving businesses, a Richmond Times-Dispatch analysis found.
The number of major crimes involving firearms at bars and restaurants statewide declined 5.2 percent from July 1, 2010, to June 30, 2011, compared with the fiscal year before the law went into effect, according to crime data compiled by Virginia State Police at the newspaper's request.
And overall, the crimes that occurred during the law's first year were relatively minor, and few of the incidents appeared to involve gun owners with concealed-carry permits, the analysis found.
A total of 145 reported crimes with guns occurred in Virginia bars and restaurants in fiscal 2010-11, or eight fewer than the 153 incidents in fiscal 2009-10. State police track all murders, non-negligent manslaughters, aggravated assaults, forcible sex crimes and robberies in more than two dozen categories, including "bars/nightclubs" and "restaurants."
The article goes on to note that the while Virginia law forbids concealed carry permit holders to drink alcohol while they are inside bars and restaurants with guns hidden from view, patrons who legally carry firearms openly into bars and restaurants can drink freely.
Philip Van Cleave, president of the pro-gun Virginia Citizens Defense League, is quoted as saying that "The numbers basically just confirm what we've said would happen if the General Assembly changed the law. It's sort of a big yawn. So from my point of view, none of this is surprising."
"Keep in mind," Van Cleave added, "what the other side was saying — that this was going to be a blood bath, that restaurants will be dangerous and people will stop going. But there was nothing to base the fear-mongering on."
Van Cleave told The Times-Dispatch that he believes he and other supporters of the law deserve an apology — especially those who "screamed the end of the world was coming with this."
"At some point," Van Cleave said, "it would be nice to have some of them admit that they were wrong, that they didn't see any of the horrible things that they thought were going to happen."
It would be nice indeed. But just as Van Cleave will never see that type of candidness from his opponents in Virginia, it is clear from Toby Hoover's past behavior that no such admissions will be forthcoming in Ohio any time soon, even when our Restaurant Carry law proves to be just as effective.
Chad D. Baus is the Buckeye Firearms Association Vice Chairman.
In the days before concealed carry became the law of the land in Ohio, opponents like the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence's Toby Hoover decried the proposed law, claiming that "If we have more use of guns, then we're going to have more people who are injured and die," and that "A person who has a gun sees danger. We will have more shootings, more accidents."
During the debate over Ohio's Castle Doctrine legislation, Hoover asked "what if a 12 year-old Girl Scout and her mother go up to someone's door, and the homeowner shoots them?", warning that "The bill would allow gun carriers to shoot first, claiming self-defense anywhere they are. Be careful how you appear to others, as you might be perceived as a threat."
Those warnings were proven 100% false. But that hasn't stopped the same gun ban extremists from making the same claims each and every time Buckeye Firearms Association has worked to improve gun laws in Ohio even further.
Most recently, anti-Second Amendment rights groups sounded their "Chicken Little" alarms about Ohio's Restaurant Carry legislation.
"I am sure those who want to do this will claim they will never drink and they won't when they are carrying their guns," Hoover told The Cincinnati Enquirer. "But people who carry guns everyday say they will never misuse them, and they do. And then there's always the fact that someone next to them can even take their gun and use it."
Hoover also told WTOL, Toledo's CBS affiliate, that "If I am going to take my children and my family to a restaurant then I don't want to be sitting next to people that are carrying guns."
But as a new report from Virginia shows, Hoover is going to be much LESS likely to be made the victim of a major crime in a restaurant or bar once this law takes effect on September 30.
From The Richmond Times-Dispatch:
Virginia's bars and restaurants did not turn into shooting galleries as some had feared during the first year of a new state law that allows patrons with permits to carry concealed guns into alcohol-serving businesses, a Richmond Times-Dispatch analysis found.
The number of major crimes involving firearms at bars and restaurants statewide declined 5.2 percent from July 1, 2010, to June 30, 2011, compared with the fiscal year before the law went into effect, according to crime data compiled by Virginia State Police at the newspaper's request.
And overall, the crimes that occurred during the law's first year were relatively minor, and few of the incidents appeared to involve gun owners with concealed-carry permits, the analysis found.
A total of 145 reported crimes with guns occurred in Virginia bars and restaurants in fiscal 2010-11, or eight fewer than the 153 incidents in fiscal 2009-10. State police track all murders, non-negligent manslaughters, aggravated assaults, forcible sex crimes and robberies in more than two dozen categories, including "bars/nightclubs" and "restaurants."
The article goes on to note that the while Virginia law forbids concealed carry permit holders to drink alcohol while they are inside bars and restaurants with guns hidden from view, patrons who legally carry firearms openly into bars and restaurants can drink freely.
Philip Van Cleave, president of the pro-gun Virginia Citizens Defense League, is quoted as saying that "The numbers basically just confirm what we've said would happen if the General Assembly changed the law. It's sort of a big yawn. So from my point of view, none of this is surprising."
"Keep in mind," Van Cleave added, "what the other side was saying — that this was going to be a blood bath, that restaurants will be dangerous and people will stop going. But there was nothing to base the fear-mongering on."
Van Cleave told The Times-Dispatch that he believes he and other supporters of the law deserve an apology — especially those who "screamed the end of the world was coming with this."
"At some point," Van Cleave said, "it would be nice to have some of them admit that they were wrong, that they didn't see any of the horrible things that they thought were going to happen."
It would be nice indeed. But just as Van Cleave will never see that type of candidness from his opponents in Virginia, it is clear from Toby Hoover's past behavior that no such admissions will be forthcoming in Ohio any time soon, even when our Restaurant Carry law proves to be just as effective.
Chad D. Baus is the Buckeye Firearms Association Vice Chairman.
It’s the Criminals, Stupid - Man is dead after City of Cleveland fails to get violent felon off the streets
Taken from BFA - Submitted by cbaus on Wed, 08/17/2011 - 07:00. by Ken Hanson
The Cleveland Plain Dealer is once again reporting on gun violence in Cleveland, and once again dedicating the majority of the ink to "getting the guns off the streets" and "prevention programs."
In what I am sure is an unintended omission, this article makes reference to seven people shot in a 10 day span beginning July 26, 2011. Had The Plain Dealer extended their examination back to July 11, 2011, perhaps The Plain Dealer might have come across the solution to the problem: get the criminals off the streets.
The Cleveland Plain Dealer is once again reporting on gun violence in Cleveland, and once again dedicating the majority of the ink to "getting the guns off the streets" and "prevention programs."
In what I am sure is an unintended omission, this article makes reference to seven people shot in a 10 day span beginning July 26, 2011. Had The Plain Dealer extended their examination back to July 11, 2011, perhaps The Plain Dealer might have come across the solution to the problem: get the criminals off the streets.
Mr. Lesure was one of a total of THREE people arrested for violating Cleveland's assault weapon ban, as identified through public records requests made by Buckeye Firearms to the City of Cleveland.
On February 7, 2007, when Mr. Lesure was arrested for possession of an "assault weapon," he was under firearm disability for having a protection order issued against him, plus having pending felony charges. In addition, although we did not report this in the main story, Mr. Lesure was also under firearm disability at that time because of a September 12, 2002 conviction for drug abuse in Cleveland Municipal Court Case # 2002-CRB-036952.
So not only did Cleveland not pursue Mr. Lesure for violating their assault weapon ban, they also did not pursue him for possessing firearms under disability, R.C. 2923.13, a felony of the third degree punishable by up to 5 years in prison. Had Cleveland done so, and stuck to the charges, given Mr. Lesure's prior record, he likely would have been sentenced to 4-5 years in prison, meaning he would have been unavailable to kill Mr. Carter on July 29, 2011.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Melon and Red Pepper Salsa
A trip to the farmers market during the height of the summer harvest will net you almost all of the ingredients for this refreshing salsa. Enjoy it with salty tortilla chips or as a relish to accompany grilled chicken or fish.
2 cups watermelon, cut into small dice
2 cups cantaloupe, cut into small dice
½ red bell pepper, cut into small dice
1 small sweet onion, diced small
¼ cup freshly chopped cilantro
1 jalapeno pepper, minced
2 tablespoons chopped fresh mint
1 lime, zested and juiced
Salt, to taste
Combine all of the ingredients in a bowl. Gently toss to combine. Let sit at room temperature for an hour before serving.
Makes 5 cups
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
The Criminal Steering of Gun Control
by Ron Borsch
World history tells us of tyrants and dictators that have deprived the populace of their God given rights, especially the right to keep and bear arms. The Jewish Defense League ( has advised that everywhere in World history where genocide has been committed, the genocide was always preceded by disarming the population. The party or government responsible for disarming may not always be the same party or government that committed the genocide, nonetheless, genocide was committed on the disarmed and defenseless.
There are even certain modern evils in the United Nations that must be monitored with vigilance lest the sovereignty of the United States and our Constitution become compromised. Many people have been ill informed or unaware of our own American history and the criminal element dictating laws that prevent honest men and women from their constitutional right to keep and bear arms. The “Tell”, or verbal history along with recorded documentation, has been told before. Some have forgotten, and others may never have known. Herein is a reminder:
"Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples' liberty's teeth."
~ George Washington
~ George Washington
Oath keepers such as professional law enforcement officers should be especially aware of the American historical foundation of gun control promoted by criminals. The criminal precedent is of course the 1911 Sullivan Act in New York, ( Today, this and other evil laws like it are still in effect, thanks to quasi-criminals and or politicians that violate their oath of office by failing to support and enforce the constitution of the United States of America, which of course, includes the second amendment.
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STOP the U.N. Gun BAN Treaty!
Imagine roving gangs terrorizing your neighborhood, rioting, setting fire to homes and businesses, and beating and robbing your neighbors.
The government is helpless to protect you. Your family looks to you to do something but you can't protect them with a gun because guns are banned. All you have is a baseball bat.
You've seen the heartbreaking images on TV, on the internet and in the newspapers. This is exactly what is happening in Great Britain right now.
But do you know what really angers me? This is what the U.N. envisions for America. U.N. diplomats and anti-gunners here in the U.S. are pushing the lie that, "Government will protect you … Protecting people is the job of the police." I say, "Tell that to the innocent victims in London."It took NRA a year to defeat New Orleans' so-called "Emergency Powers Act."
I also say, "Tell that to the victims of Hurricane Katrina." In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, local police in New Orleans illegally confiscated the guns of law-abiding residents, putting them at the mercy of the rampaging mobs.
Now there's a new threat to our liberty. The U.N. is pushing a treaty to weaken our firearm freedoms. This is because the U.N. thinks we should be more like the rest of the world where guns are banned. Personally, I think the world should be more like us with more freedom.
Video available here
Rob Leatham - Training with Action Target Plate Rack
Provo, Utah - This week Action Target will release the first of five training videos featuring world champion shooter Rob Leatham. The videos will feature instruction from Rob and drills he uses in his own training.
Each video will focus on a specific type of steel target in Action Target's "PT" steel target line. The first video will feature drills and skills Rob practices with the PT Plate Rack. Subsequent videos in later weeks will emphasize how to train with other steel targets like the PT Static and PT Dueling Tree.
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Video available here
Action Target Releases Training Videos
Each video will focus on a specific type of steel target in Action Target's "PT" steel target line. The first video will feature drills and skills Rob practices with the PT Plate Rack. Subsequent videos in later weeks will emphasize how to train with other steel targets like the PT Static and PT Dueling Tree.
Video available here
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
SIRT GLOCK-like Trainer
From Michael Bane Blog
"Here's the Next Level Training gun we'll be using in TBD next season for our demos. I've been working with it for the last couple of months as my Office Dry-firing Utility and I'll be using it extensively to get ready for the upcoming IDPA Worlds in Florida, which we'll be filming for SG 2012. I believe this is a great leap forward for non-range training for several can see your "hit"'ve got a couple of different options for training your trigger can work reloads into your dry training...and best of all from my position as a television producer, it's NOT a live gun! You can't make it go BANG."
Read more @ The Micahel Bane Blog
"Here's the Next Level Training gun we'll be using in TBD next season for our demos. I've been working with it for the last couple of months as my Office Dry-firing Utility and I'll be using it extensively to get ready for the upcoming IDPA Worlds in Florida, which we'll be filming for SG 2012. I believe this is a great leap forward for non-range training for several can see your "hit"'ve got a couple of different options for training your trigger can work reloads into your dry training...and best of all from my position as a television producer, it's NOT a live gun! You can't make it go BANG."
Read more @ The Micahel Bane Blog
Canton City Council President (Schulman) rants against Americans upset about cop's behavior on dash cam video and the 2nd Amendment.
BFA Chad D. Baus wrote:
"Perhaps now we know why police officer Daniel Harless thought it was acceptable behavior to unleash his violent, profanity-laced tirade on a concealed handgun license-holder in Canton, Ohio, saying "People like you don't deserve to @#$%#$ move throughout public. Period!" before threatening to murder the CHL-holder."
"Canton City Council President Allen Schulman has unleashed his own version of that same tirade against law-abiding concealed handgun license-holders. After explaining that he would not be making any comments about the deplorable behavior of Harless, which were exposed on the dash cam video that has been seen across the country,"
Schulman said this:
"I did want to make a comment, uh, reflecting the out of town emails that we have all received from people who do not live in this community, do not know out police, do not know the firefighters, do not know our public servants, our employees, know nothing about the City of Canton. But because a video went viral on the Internet they're excu - excoriating the City of Canton out of this particular incident. And they're excoriating our police force, its conduct, and our city. I take very strong exception to what I've read, uh, what I've heard, from out-of-towners, uh, making comments about our city."
"This is, in my judgement, a symptom of this arming, literally the arming of our population, with handguns, and the flooding of handguns into our communities."
Mr. Baus comment: "Got that? Allen Schulman believes the violence and profanity-laced tirade from one of his city's police officers, who told a CHL-holder he "shoulda taken two steps back, pulled my Glock 40, and just put ten bullets in your ass and let you drop" is the fault of the Second Amendment, and not the angry cop."
This Canton City Council President then continues with:
"Um, the - these laws that allow our citizens to carry a concealed weapon at a university, in a school, in a bar where liquor is served, in automobiles in the worst part of our, uh, neighborhoods, whether it's high crime, drugs, prostitution, and somebody is packing a Ruger at 1:30 in the morning? That's not acceptable in our society. And I told one caller who called me from Phoenix, Arizona yesterday, who complained abour our police and this particular incident, I said to him 'You want to know something, my friend? You can blame our city, but you're next. Because as long as these laws permit people to carry weapons under the worst of circumstances, and in the worst situations, there is, there are deaths waiting to happen - either police officers or citizens who think by arming themselves they're somehow safe. So my only remarks tonight are designed to those out of town people who are complaining about our police department and our city. Believe me, if you allow the kind of carry and conceal weapons laws that are in existence in Ohio and are all over the United States you're gonna have the same problems over and over again, and death will result."
It amazes me that with Canton's high crime rate (Like Akron - where I work and live) the Mr. Schulman opposes the legal exercise of the right to bear arms for self-defense, a right specifically recognized in the Ohio Constitution, which says "The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security."
Schulman continues and ends with this:
"Finally, just for those people who are going to say that I am against guns: I am not against weapons, I am not against handguns, I am not against people that hunt with weapons. But we all should believe in common sense, reasonable gun control laws that don't allow this kind of thing to happen at 1:30 in the morning in a crime-ridden neighborhood with prositution and drugs, when we sit every week and listen to our citizens step forward saying 'we want to be protected.' We, we are being protected. And I know the police department, the safety director and the mayor will investigate this throughly, and that's one of the benefits of having a video that allows our citizens to have some transparency as to what happens in these stops. But these laws are completely insane."
So this guy believe that all that is needed to prevent a Canton police officer from threatening to "pull my gun and stick it to your head" and then execute a person just because he holds a liscense to carry a concealed weapon.
Just remember that the police are there to protect and serve!!!????
This is why I carry every day and all the time!!!!!
Your comments!
"Perhaps now we know why police officer Daniel Harless thought it was acceptable behavior to unleash his violent, profanity-laced tirade on a concealed handgun license-holder in Canton, Ohio, saying "People like you don't deserve to @#$%#$ move throughout public. Period!" before threatening to murder the CHL-holder."
"Canton City Council President Allen Schulman has unleashed his own version of that same tirade against law-abiding concealed handgun license-holders. After explaining that he would not be making any comments about the deplorable behavior of Harless, which were exposed on the dash cam video that has been seen across the country,"
Schulman said this:
"I did want to make a comment, uh, reflecting the out of town emails that we have all received from people who do not live in this community, do not know out police, do not know the firefighters, do not know our public servants, our employees, know nothing about the City of Canton. But because a video went viral on the Internet they're excu - excoriating the City of Canton out of this particular incident. And they're excoriating our police force, its conduct, and our city. I take very strong exception to what I've read, uh, what I've heard, from out-of-towners, uh, making comments about our city."
"This is, in my judgement, a symptom of this arming, literally the arming of our population, with handguns, and the flooding of handguns into our communities."
Mr. Baus comment: "Got that? Allen Schulman believes the violence and profanity-laced tirade from one of his city's police officers, who told a CHL-holder he "shoulda taken two steps back, pulled my Glock 40, and just put ten bullets in your ass and let you drop" is the fault of the Second Amendment, and not the angry cop."
This Canton City Council President then continues with:
"Um, the - these laws that allow our citizens to carry a concealed weapon at a university, in a school, in a bar where liquor is served, in automobiles in the worst part of our, uh, neighborhoods, whether it's high crime, drugs, prostitution, and somebody is packing a Ruger at 1:30 in the morning? That's not acceptable in our society. And I told one caller who called me from Phoenix, Arizona yesterday, who complained abour our police and this particular incident, I said to him 'You want to know something, my friend? You can blame our city, but you're next. Because as long as these laws permit people to carry weapons under the worst of circumstances, and in the worst situations, there is, there are deaths waiting to happen - either police officers or citizens who think by arming themselves they're somehow safe. So my only remarks tonight are designed to those out of town people who are complaining about our police department and our city. Believe me, if you allow the kind of carry and conceal weapons laws that are in existence in Ohio and are all over the United States you're gonna have the same problems over and over again, and death will result."
It amazes me that with Canton's high crime rate (Like Akron - where I work and live) the Mr. Schulman opposes the legal exercise of the right to bear arms for self-defense, a right specifically recognized in the Ohio Constitution, which says "The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security."
Schulman continues and ends with this:
"Finally, just for those people who are going to say that I am against guns: I am not against weapons, I am not against handguns, I am not against people that hunt with weapons. But we all should believe in common sense, reasonable gun control laws that don't allow this kind of thing to happen at 1:30 in the morning in a crime-ridden neighborhood with prositution and drugs, when we sit every week and listen to our citizens step forward saying 'we want to be protected.' We, we are being protected. And I know the police department, the safety director and the mayor will investigate this throughly, and that's one of the benefits of having a video that allows our citizens to have some transparency as to what happens in these stops. But these laws are completely insane."
So this guy believe that all that is needed to prevent a Canton police officer from threatening to "pull my gun and stick it to your head" and then execute a person just because he holds a liscense to carry a concealed weapon.
Just remember that the police are there to protect and serve!!!????
This is why I carry every day and all the time!!!!!
Your comments!
Monday, August 1, 2011
Another great product discussed by the Shooting Wire:
ThermaCELL Announces Appliance-A-Day Giveaway
"ThermaCELL®, manufacturer of the only portable, butane-operated, area mosquito repellent will give away one Realtree® APG™ appliance each day in the month of August. Each daily winner will also be entered for a chance to win the grand prize of 10 ThermaCELL products and 200 hours of refills."
For more information, or to enter the ThermaCELL August Appliance-a-Day Giveaway visit
Read more at the Shooting Wire
ThermaCELL Announces Appliance-A-Day Giveaway
"ThermaCELL®, manufacturer of the only portable, butane-operated, area mosquito repellent will give away one Realtree® APG™ appliance each day in the month of August. Each daily winner will also be entered for a chance to win the grand prize of 10 ThermaCELL products and 200 hours of refills."
For more information, or to enter the ThermaCELL August Appliance-a-Day Giveaway visit
Read more at the Shooting Wire
Interesting article about a pen that will clean your optics!!???
This is taken from the Shooting Wire:
"The LensPen® is essential to keeping binoculars and all kinds of optics ready for maximum performance. It's so simple, so effective and so dependable.
Small enough that you can clip it in your pocket or toss it in your case, the LensPen has two easily accessible working ends. Slide out the brush end first and use it to effectively remove all loose dust and dirt from the lens or eyepiece. The retractable brush, made from natural goat hair, is so gentle it can do no damage to the optics, yet it's so hard-working the dust vanishes."
This is taken from the Shooting Wire:
"The LensPen® is essential to keeping binoculars and all kinds of optics ready for maximum performance. It's so simple, so effective and so dependable.
Small enough that you can clip it in your pocket or toss it in your case, the LensPen has two easily accessible working ends. Slide out the brush end first and use it to effectively remove all loose dust and dirt from the lens or eyepiece. The retractable brush, made from natural goat hair, is so gentle it can do no damage to the optics, yet it's so hard-working the dust vanishes."
Read more at: Shooting Wire or Lenspen
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