Scoutlook introduces its first smartphone app—in both Android and iPhone platforms! The feature-rich app is an invaluable tool for hunters who want to maximize their experiences in the field.
Read more and get the App!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Ohio & New Mexico Sign Concealed Carry Reciprocity Agreement
Ohio & New Mexico Sign Concealed Carry Reciprocity Agreement
Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine and New Mexico Department of Public Safety Cabinet Secretary Gorden E. Eden, Jr. have signed an agreement that permits reciprocity between their states for citizens who have valid concealed carry permits.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Colt Introduces .380 Mustang® Pocketlite Pistol
Colt's Manufacturing Company LLC, celebrating its 175th anniversary this year, is proud to introduce a new and improved version of the classic Colt Mustang. The new Colt .380 Mustang Pocketlite is small, lightweight and boasts enhanced durability, reliability and accuracy, making it an ideal handgun for personal protection.
The precise machining process, use of high quality materials and improvements in design make Colt's new .380 Mustang Pocketlite one of the most consistent and reliable firearms on the market. The aluminum alloy receiver, stainless steel slide and barrel are CNC machined from solid bar stock for precise tolerances. "Machining solid stock is certainly a more involved manufacturing process," said Joyce Rubino, Vice President of Marketing, Colt's Manufacturing Company, "But it is that process, combined with our engineering specifications, expertise and demand for perfection that allows Colt to deliver one of the highest quality products available to today's marketplace."
With a loaded magazine, this handgun weighs less than one pound. It measures 5.5 inches long and has a 2.75-inch barrel. The minimal weight and length of the gun, combined with the short single action trigger, grip design, frame design and firing pin safety block, make this firearm ideal for personal protection.
The magazine holds six rounds. Improvements in powder and bullet design have increased the velocity and terminal performance of .380 caliber ammunition, adding to the viability of the Colt .380 Mustang Pocketlite for personal defense.
Read more
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Sheriff Chuck Wright: Ladies get a Conceal Permit!
Sheriff Chuck Wright held a press conference shortly before noon Monday October 31, 2011. In his press conference he stated the following in regards to a vicious attack of a lady in his community.
"This lady's life which threatened so many times. During this act. You know it's it's almost too bad there's somebody with a concealed weapons permit -- walk by and hear the crowd. That would fix it. That would affixed this."
He also stated: "Ladies walking groups, get concealed weapons permit. I want you to get a concealed weapons permit. Don't go for the mace, get the concealed weapons permit. Now, you may need to use your gun to defend your life. I don't want this to happen but I'm telling you. I'm tired of looking -- victims and say we're sorry we've done the best we can get them in jail. So I am a big proponent you know for my asked me what my opinion gun control is gun control to me. Is when you get your barrel back on the target quick. That's gun control."
S&W Issues Recall Notice
S&W Issues Recall Notice
PRODUCT: Thompson Center Venture Rifle.
DESCRIPTION OF THE HAZARD: During an internal technical review, Smith & Wesson determined that some of the sears used on Venture rifles produced from August 1, 2011 to October 28, 2011, may not have been manufactured to specification. Because the sear is an important part of the firing mechanism, we are asking that all of the rifles produced during this time period be returned to Smith & Wesson so that the firearm can be inspected by our technicians to ensure that the rifle operates in a safe and appropriate manner.
DESCRIPTION OF THE PRODUCT INVOLVED: This recall applies only to Venture rifles manufactured from August 1, 2011 to October 28, 2011. To determine if your rifle is affected, please reference the serial number list located at or by calling Smith & Wesson directly at 1-800-713-0356. If your serial number does not fall within the list of affected serial numbers, your rifle is not part of this recall.
REMEDY/ACTION TO BE TAKEN: STOP USING YOUR RIFLE. Any unintended discharge of a firearm has the potential to cause injury, and we ask that you stop using your rifle until we have an opportunity to inspect the sear to make certain that there is no condition which will allow the rifle to fire without the trigger being pulled. To facilitate the inspection and repair, if necessary, of your rifle sear, please contact Smith & Wesson's customer service department to receive instructions and a prepaid return label for the return of your rifle to Smith & Wesson. When you return your rifle to Smith & Wesson, be sure to attach the completed information card received from Smith & Wesson, so that your sear can be inspected and repaired, and returned to you as quickly and efficiently as possible.
VERIFICATION OF CORRECTIVE ACTION: When your rifle sear is returned, you should note a punch dot on the trigger assembly. This punch dot is confirmation that your sear has been inspected and the hazard has not been found or has been corrected.
CONSUMER CONTACT: Please contact Smith & Wesson directly at 1-800-713-0356, or at to arrange for the inspection and repair, if necessary, of your rifle.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Caught on video: Anti-gun Columbus Mayor Coleman comes unhinged
by Chad D. Baus - Buckeye Firearms Association
Defending Your Firearm Rights
As many of our readers are aware, Columbus Mayor Michael has consistently worked against the Second Amendment and the Constitution during his long term as mayor. The Ohio chairman of the anti-gun group Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG), Coleman and his city council enacted an unenforceable assault weapons ban in 2005, which caused the NRA to pull plans to hold their annual meetings in the city in 2007, which would likely have poured upwards of $25 million dollars into the Ohio economy. Coleman also drove the Ohio Gun Collectors Association out of town with unreasonable demands he put upon the association and its vendors.
Now, on the eve of his latest re-election bid, Coleman has been caught on tape exhibiting exactly how fanatical he is in opposition to the Second Amendment.
In the video, taken by BFA-endorsed Columbus city council candidate Mark Noble and posted on YouTube, Coleman claims "gangsters" are going to gun shows to buy guns without a background check. But according to the most recent federal study, a Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) report on "Firearms Use by Offenders," only 0.7% of U.S. "crime guns" came from gun shows, with repeat offenders even less likely than first-timers to buy guns from any retail source.
The truth is, Coleman is using the issue to distract from the fact that his administration has failed in its obligation to detect and prosecute illegal gun purchases and thefts.
In the video, Coleman also rants about the recent passage of Ohio's restaurant carry legislation, shouting "somebody help me!"
This isn't the first time Coleman has suggested allowing law-abiding citizens to carry concealed handguns would cause problems. On April 8, 2004, Coleman staged a press conference next to a jungle gym, lamenting the fact that the city was unable to protect children by posting signs banning concealed handgun license-holders. Coleman called Ohio's concealed carry law "a travesty for our city and for our state."
His opinion clearly hasn't changed since then. In the video, he talks about his position on gun control.
"I'm passionate about this," he said. "Too many guns. Too available," Coleman shouted.
After claiming he's not against the Second Amendment, he continued, "But you don't need an Uzi to shoot deer on Broad and High. You use a Uzi to shoot people!
"Now, having said that, we also need a, a, uh, automatic, uh, anti-automatic, uh, Uzi-type...what's it called now?" (audience member responds off camera) "...Assault weapon, assault weapon. Used to have that. But what's happenin' is, what police are pickin' up now are guns that people use in Afghanistan."
Coleman then pointed at Noble's camera and said, "I know you're takin' that for somebody. You gonna prob'ly use it for the NRA. That's ok."
Buckeye Firearms Association
Defending Your Firearm Rights
Chairman Of The Boards: By Mike Janich
Installing Improvised Window Shutters
Anyone who has ever lived in a hurricane-prone area is familiar with the process of boarding up your windows to protect against the effects of nature’s fury. More importantly, anyone with firsthand experience of this process knows the absolute worst time to start thinking about it is when everyone else is doing the same, and plywood is suddenly worth its weight in gold.
Like all things related to disaster preparedness, the sooner you start to address the process of boarding up your home, the better prepared you’re going to be. In this case, however, the advantages of early action are pretty compelling.
Security Shutters
If you don’t live in a hurricane-prone area, shutters may still be a viable and desirable addition to your home security. During normal circumstances, the standard level of physical security of your home should be adequate to prevent intrusion. However, if a disaster or emergency situation arises, normal may cease to exist and you may choose to harden your home to eliminate possible avenues of forcible entry. For example, if you have a typical, well-prepared home, your doors are all high quality and properly reinforced. Your ground-level windows are also secured by means of an appropriate alarm system that detects glass breakage or open windows. If a window is breached, the alarm gives you the time to react and get to safety and summons the cavalry.
In a disaster scenario, the cavalry won’t be coming, so you’ll need to fend for yourself. And the better prepared your resources are within your home, the more attractive they may become to scavengers, looters, and other miscreants outside your home.
Don’t Wait Till It’s Too Late
Tornados, wildfires, chemical spills, floods, blizzards, hurricanes, ice storms, earthquakes, tsunamis, civil unrest, flu pandemic; the list goes on. Any given year, Americans can expect to face any of those disasters. And they do. In fact, 2011 has been one of the worst tornado seasons in awhile, and that was just in April. The tornados in Alabama have proven that. Flooding hit the upper Midwest, like it does every year. The earthquake in Japan pushed a tsunami into our west coast causing destruction and death. Every night, dozens of families are driven out of their homes by a fire. Disaster isn’t always widespread; it can be individual.
So what can you do to better prepare yourself and your family to survive a disaster, big or small? Hopefully, this article will help you in that process, enabling you to prioritize your needs, establishing a plan and gather supplies and skills. So, where to start? How much do you need? First, you need to identify the most likely disasters you’re likely to encounter in your area. Based on those events, could you stay in your house, or would you have to evacuate? How many people (and pets) are in your house? From there, you can start your planning. There are also steps and precautions you can take that are useful no matter what the disaster is, from a hurricane to a house fire. Regardless of the nature of the disaster, there are certain supplies and pieces of equipment that are useful to have on hand.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Smith & Wesson Introduces the M&P15 300 Whisper
Smith & Wesson Corp. announced that the Company has added a new extension to its Military & Police (M&P) Rifle Series with the introduction of the M&P15 chambered in .300 Whisper. As the first production rifle in the AR platform to be chambered in .300 Whisper (also chambers .300 AAC Blackout), the new rifle offers sub-sonic and supersonic capabilities while delivering consistent performance and accuracy.
Manufactured on the M&P15 platform, the semi-automatic rifle features a 16" barrel constructed from 4140 chrome-moly steel. Both the forged 7075 aluminum upper and lower receivers have been coated with a Realtree® APG finish for optimal concealment during hunting applications. To aide in precise shot placement, the gas-operated rifle benefits from a 1 in 7.5" twist, 5R rifling and a crisp single-stage trigger. Other standard features include a 10-round magazine, integral one-piece trigger guard, dust cover, forward assist and a six-position, collapsible CAR stock.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
House panel clears conceal-and-carry gun bill, with one Republican defection.
The House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday approved a gun rights bill that could be headed to the floor by the end of 2011.
The legislation, which would allow for conceal-and-carry weapon reciprocity across states lines, cleared the panel on a 19-11 vote.
All but one committee Republican, Rep. Dan Lungren (Calif.), supported the National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act, which is sponsored by Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.); Democrats united in opposition to the bill. Lungren and other Republicans have raised concerns about the legislation’s effect on the rights of states.
GOP leadership sources told The Hill that the bipartisan measure, with 245 co-sponsors, will likely come up for a vote on the floor before year’s end.
MidwayUSA Introduces Bushnell HDMR Elite Tactical Rifle Scopes
MidwayUSA, a catalog and internet retailer offering Just About Everythingâ„ for Shooting, Reloading, Gunsmithing and Hunting, is pleased to announce the release of the Bushnell HDMR Elite Tactical Rifle Scopes.
Full of the high-quality features one would expect from Bushnell, the HDMR Elite line of scopes offers shooters a multipurpose optic for a variety of firearms and applications.
"We're very excited to be one of the few select Bushnell dealers to offer these scopes," said Sean Doke, Optics Product Line Manager at MidwayUSA. "As a shooter, I believe these HDMR scopes are versatile for just about any range of distance and an optic I believe in."
Bushnell teamed up with Horus Vision to offer the H59, their improved Sniper Reticle, and the TRMR2, a reticle designed to offer speed, ease and distance in the field. With four different reticles, each HDMR scope features an incredible magnification range of 3.5-21x 50mm, 1/10 mil adjustments, locking turrets, multi-coated lenses and Bushnell's lifetime warranty.
For more information about MidwayUSA or the Bushnell HDMR Elite Tactical Rifle Scopes, please visit or call 1-800-243-3220.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Canadians Get Some Good News
Long-gun registry to be shot down Thursday
OTTAWA - The feds are taking aim at the controversial long-gun registry Thursday when they are expected to table a bill to scrap it.
The bill is expected to pass easily in the Conservative majority Parliament.
According to Sara MacIntyre, a spokeswoman for the Prime Minister, this bill is a "priority" for the government.
"It is one of our commitments. It is something we're moving forward on," MacIntyre said Wednesday. "It's a priority piece of legislation."
While the order paper notice only hints at amendments to the Firearms Act, a source close to the file told QMI Agency the bill is expected to fully repeal the requirement to register long-guns. It will also re-write the Firearms Act to specify only restricted and prohibited firearms need to be registered.
Also, according to the source, all long-gun registry records will be destroyed.
The long-gun registry was introduced in 1995 by Jean Chretien's Liberal government and while it said the program would only cost $2 million, costs ballooned to over $1 billion.
Gun control advocates and the country's chiefs of police have argued it provides valuable information to officers, and have also suggested it has lowered rates of domestic violence.
Critics, though, have blasted the registry as ineffective and wasteful, and say it does not improve public safety, but rather targets law-abiding shotgun and rifle owners.
Irag War Over: Troops headed home!
President Barack Obama on Friday declared an end to the Iraq war, one of the longest and most divisive conflicts in U.S. history, announcing that all U.S. troops would be withdrawn from the country by year's end.
“As promised the rest of our troops in Iraq will come home by the end of the year. After nearly nine years, America's war in Iraq will be over,” Obama said.
"Today I can say that troops in Iraq will be home for the holidays."
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Comp-Tac Launches Official Blog
Comp-Tac Victory Gear is proud to announce the launch of their official blog! Covering topics from holster maintenance to new and upcoming products, each post is filled with only the best information for anyone interested in concealment and competition gear. Current articles include how to maintain your gear, the production process of Comp-Tac products, information on how to choose if a Slide version holster is right for you, and much more.
This blog is the best place to go for all the latest news and updates about Comp-Tac's high quality products and promotions. Each post is categorized by topic and tagged with key words to make searching by topic quick and easy. For topic suggestions or even just to ask a question, Comp-Tac posts contact information at the end of every article.
Upcoming blog posts include an interview with Comp-Tac's founder and president, Gregg Garrett, how to choose the right gear for your needs, interviews with the company's staff, and much more. To view Comp-Tac's new blog, visit
Monday, October 17, 2011
National Law Enforcement Museum
Authorized by Congress in the year 2000, the 55,000square-foot National Law Enforcement Museum will be mostly underground and located adjacent to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, DC's Judiciary Square. The Museum will tell the story of American law enforcement through high-tech, interactive exhibits, collections, research and education. Museum construction has commenced with a projected opening in late 2013. The Museum is an initiative of the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, a private non-profit [501(c)(3)] organization established in 1984 and dedicated to honoring the service and sacrifice of America's law enforcement officers and to promoting officer safety. For more information about the National Law Enforcement Museum, visit
America Cop Turns to Safety, On and Off Duty
From Shooting Wire:
As the year comes to an end, the November/December issue of American COP Magazine takes a look at new training techniques, how to keep your family safe.
In "Bad Guys Don't Come With Scoring Rings," Dave Staskiewicz explores training with more than just paper targets with scoring rings on the center of mass.
"You don't need to be a doctor to understand where the vital organs are in the human body - the upper chest (upper thoracic cavity aka UTC)," says Staskiewicz. "So why do we continue to teach to shoot center mass?"
Staskiewicz talks about the new - and cheap - training he initiated to simulate more realistic targets and scenarios, including using photographs depicting an array of people an officer might encounter on duty that feature UTC targets, but no scoring rings.
This issue of American COP Magazine focuses on safety, including that of your family when you can't be there to protect them. "Family Safety" features helpful tips about how to train your family in personal defense - because bad guys don't exist solely in bad places. John Russo's "Crimes Against Children" is a must read for every patrol officer, and details how to be prepared as the first responder in a child abuse case.
Not sure what to get your buddies and loved ones for Christmas? John Connor's "Hit the Party Lights on the Sleigh" has the top 10 stocking stuffers for every budget and for every person on your shopping list. For even more ideas on what to get your partner, be sure to read "Shopping for Officer Safety," where John Russo details gear worth giving.
This month's Gun of the Month giveaway features the Diamondback DB9 micro-compact 9mm semi-auto, plus a huge package from 5.11 Tactical, including performance duty clothing, sunglasses, ATAC Sleek 8" Duty Boot, ARK Liner Lock re-curve duty knife and a Wingman Patrol Bag to put it all in. Also included in the package is a CRKT multi-tool.
American COP Magazine's all-digital edition is reaching more readers than ever. It includes a number of bonus features, including expanded content, hotlinks and search options. To sign up for a free digital subscription, visit
For more information and to read the November/December issue, visit
Crimson Trace Announces New Lightguard Tactical Lights for GLOCK, XD(M) and M&P Pistols
From the Shooting Wire:
Crimson Trace today released their revolutionary Lightguard platform for Glock, Smith & Wesson and Springfield handguns, marking their long-awaited entry to the white light category for personal defense. Engineered to fit seamlessly to the weapon, Lightguard gives the user a sleek, concealable white light that adds zero width and less than 1.2oz to the handgun's all-up weight. With an MSRP of $149, the Lightguard will be available through distributors from 10/24/11.
The product launch will be a accompanied by a an extensive ad campaign on TV, radio, print and direct media, designed to explain the benefits of the new platform to a receptive audience that already appreciates the need to identify the target in a self-defense situation. Crimson Trace engineered the Lightguard to be compatible with their existing line of Lasergrip™ instinctively activated laser sights and for the first time, the user has the ability to control both light and laser without disturbing their firing grip on the handgun, or using their index finger for anything other than trigger manipulation.
"The Lightguard is destined to be the fastest-selling product in the Crimson Trace lineup," said Director of Sales, Jeff Goddard. "Initial response has been phenomenal and we have an enormous number of units pre-sold already." Crimson Trace is working with a number of respected holster makers to accommodate Lightguard-equipped pistols including DeSantis, BladeTech, Galco, Fobus and Crossbreed, among others "This is the first time the CCW user has had the ability to carry a powerful weapon light in a concealment holster," said Goddard. "For the customer who values being equipped for any situation, this is an huge advantage. Heading into the Holiday season, I see this being on a lot of people's wish lists."
Powered by a single CR2 battery, the Lightguard features a 100 lumen, wide-throw bezel and Crimson Trace's patented instinctive activation system. The Lightguard was the winner of the prestigious FMG Publications' 2011 Academy of Excellence Award for Self Defense Product of the year. Units are available for Glock full size and compact models, the full-size Smith & Wesson M&P and Springfield's XD and XDm. Further details can be found at
Iain Harrison (800) 442-2406 ext 1304
Crimson Trace today released their revolutionary Lightguard platform for Glock, Smith & Wesson and Springfield handguns, marking their long-awaited entry to the white light category for personal defense. Engineered to fit seamlessly to the weapon, Lightguard gives the user a sleek, concealable white light that adds zero width and less than 1.2oz to the handgun's all-up weight. With an MSRP of $149, the Lightguard will be available through distributors from 10/24/11.
The product launch will be a accompanied by a an extensive ad campaign on TV, radio, print and direct media, designed to explain the benefits of the new platform to a receptive audience that already appreciates the need to identify the target in a self-defense situation. Crimson Trace engineered the Lightguard to be compatible with their existing line of Lasergrip™ instinctively activated laser sights and for the first time, the user has the ability to control both light and laser without disturbing their firing grip on the handgun, or using their index finger for anything other than trigger manipulation.
"The Lightguard is destined to be the fastest-selling product in the Crimson Trace lineup," said Director of Sales, Jeff Goddard. "Initial response has been phenomenal and we have an enormous number of units pre-sold already." Crimson Trace is working with a number of respected holster makers to accommodate Lightguard-equipped pistols including DeSantis, BladeTech, Galco, Fobus and Crossbreed, among others "This is the first time the CCW user has had the ability to carry a powerful weapon light in a concealment holster," said Goddard. "For the customer who values being equipped for any situation, this is an huge advantage. Heading into the Holiday season, I see this being on a lot of people's wish lists."
Powered by a single CR2 battery, the Lightguard features a 100 lumen, wide-throw bezel and Crimson Trace's patented instinctive activation system. The Lightguard was the winner of the prestigious FMG Publications' 2011 Academy of Excellence Award for Self Defense Product of the year. Units are available for Glock full size and compact models, the full-size Smith & Wesson M&P and Springfield's XD and XDm. Further details can be found at
Iain Harrison (800) 442-2406 ext 1304
Friday, October 14, 2011
A firearm store that is like home!
A place where people gather to discuss firearms, buy them, along with all the accessories. One that is like going to the old general store, the old family corner store and a second home.
Check out the commercial below!
Check out the commercial below!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Discovery Debuts New Show: “American Guns”
Discovery Channel is back with an all-new effort to let their audience in on what we already know: Guns are more than a hobby, they’re a lifestyle. Earlier this year, Discovery rolled out “Sons of Guns” to some pretty hefty fanfare, and the show has taken off ever since. Now, we get “American Guns,” a show that touts the all-American Wyatt clan as the crew responsible for a pretty unique gun shop in Colorado.
For 18 years the Wyatts have owned Gunsmoke, turning the small business into a firearms enterprise. Rich Wyatt is a master firearms trainer and former police officer with more than 22 years experience in law enforcement. He is one of only six people in the world certified by Colonel Jeff Cooper, a master firearms instructor and one of the 20th century’s foremost experts on the use and history of small arms. They say you can give Rich a block of steel and he’ll create art.
While this new show has a different feel, “American Guns” and “Sons of Guns” are definitely television cousins that should pull in most of the same viewers.
Soft Target - by Stephen Hunter
New York Times bestselling author Stephen Hunter is back with another breakneck thriller, in which ex-Marine sniper, Ray Kruz, must outwit a group of murderous Somali terrorists who’ve laid siege to the Mall of America. Recently retired marine sergeant Ray Kruz has been talked into a mall trip by his fiancé, the beautiful Sally Tung. For Ray, Sally represents a way to reconnect with normal life, something his 20 years in the service and five tours in two combat zones have prevented. But now he finds himself in the middle of the softest target of all, a huge consumer mall where a self-styled “Mumbai Brigade” has come to bring massive death to the heartland. They just didn’t know Ray Cruz was in the building….
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Otis Technology Launches Rebate Program
Otis Technology, manufacturer of Breech-to-Muzzle ® gun cleaning systems and accessories, is making it more affordable than ever to purchase one of three select Otis cleaning systems. The rebate program launches October 1 and runs through December 31, 2011.
The rebate will be offered on Otis Technology's top three commercial systems; the #1000 Otis Elite®, the #750 Tactical Cleaning System and the #752 Otis HardCore Hunter Cleaning System.
When purchasing an Otis Elite, consumers will be able to take advantage of a $15 mail in rebate.
When purchasing the Otis HardCore Hunter, the rebate offered is $10. A $5 rebate is offered on the purchase of Tactical Cleaning Systems.
"This rebate program is a great incentive for our retail outlets to offer their customers in time for holiday shopping," states Otis' VP of Sales and Marketing, Len Nelson. "It is also a way to show appreciation to our current consumers for supporting the Otis brand. It's smart savings for smart gun care."
To participate in the rebate program, one of the three select Otis cleaning systems must be purchased from an authorized Otis retailer between the dates of October 1-December 2011. The customer must submit the completed rebate form along with the original UPC and cash receipt to the Otis Technology address listed on the rebate form no later than January 15, 2012.
Otis Technology is known for manufacturing the most advanced gun cleaning systems available. The superior Breech-to-Muzzle® design combined with unmatched quality has positioned Otis as the gun care system of choice with the US Military. Otis Technology is smart gun care.
MGM Targets Announces iPhone Application
MGM Targets announced Thursday, Apple has approved their request for a mobile application and it is now available for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch (the Android version should be available in the next couple of weeks). All of MGM's top selling products are available on the mobile application for purchase as well as a couple of new targets.
While improvements and additions will be ongoing, products are currently available for all of the action shooting disciplines such as 3 Gun, IPSC, Steel Challenge, IDPA, and Cowboy Action. They also have a wide range of targets available for military, law enforcement, tactical and long range shooting.
"We are very excited about this" explained Travis Gibson, Vice President of MGM, "we want to continue to make it easy for our customers to purchase our products and this is just another way we can do that." In the immediate future MGM is hoping to have systems in place that will notify application users any time there is a site update such as their monthly special. They are also working on a "punch card" system that will track the user's purchases through the app and reward them with free targetry or discounts on MGM product.
USMC Issues Production Delivery Order to HK
Heckler & Koch was awarded a competitive contract to produce the U.S. Marine Corps' new Infantry Automatic Rifle (IAR). The formal "Full Rate Production" announcement by the Marines caps a competition that began more than three years ago.
Designated the M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle, the lightweight, 11.62 pounds weapon with ancillary equipment, is a variant of the highly successful Heckler & Koch HK416 used by military, law enforcement, and special operations units in the U.S. and throughout the world.
The M27 IAR replaces the heavier, M249 SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon) which has been used by the Marines in Infantry Squads since the mid-1980s in the automatic rifle role. Both weapons fire the 5.56 mm NATO cartridge.
Read more
American Handgunner Reality Check Survive
The 2012 American Handgunner Reality Check Survive Special Edition features survival preparedness guides, outside-the-box techniques for coping without power, an inside look at the recent Joplin tornado, the 2012 Buyer's Guide and more.
Many readers know American Handgunner editor Roy Huntington lives just outside of Joplin, Mo. In "The Joplin Tornado: Anatomy of a Distaster," Roy tells of the aftermath, including his survival preparations that paid off, the search for survivors and the cleanup efforts. Much of the cleanup was done by the community itself, with groups searching the remains of buildings, clearing the streets of debris and setting up "instant restaurants" to feed the workers and homeless.
"It was a stunning effort to watch," Roy says. "A mobilizing effort on a tremendous scale, and unlike anything I had ever seen before, even in the other disasters I'd been involved with."
"Disaster Preparedness: Don't Wait Till It's Too Late" outlines the basics for food, water, shelter and medical needs, as well as what's needed to start rebuilding a normal life.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Tips for Buying a Used Glock Patrick Sweeney | Oct 06, 2011
Personally not a fan of Glock; but here is some information.
Not everyone buys new guns. A used firearm can have a great deal of useful life left in it, provided it had a decent amount of care from previous owners. Glocks are not different in that regard. A horribly abused Glock may not be worth much even as a parts gun. (Unless, of course, that horribly abused Glock is the only firearm you can lay hands on in the city of Dirt, Carjackistan, when the terrorists are trying to kick down your hotel room door. Then it may be literally worth its weight in gold or more.) A like-new-in-the-box used Glock may not cost much less than a brand-new Glock.
However, the durability of Glocks, and the lower percentage of their owners who experiment with them, tends to mean more Glocks survive in good shape than other firearms. Should you be offered a used Glock for sale, the main dance is settling on a price. There is hardly anything on a Glock that can’t be repaired, replaced or factory upgraded, and many of the factory upgrades are free. As a result, advice on buying used Glocks tends to be a lot less involved than that of buying other firearms.
If you drop your Glock slide, it can bend if it lands on the muzzle end extension for the recoil spring. Check this area before buying a used Glock.
What you are looking for are bargaining points. The small ones are things that are wrong or need upgrading, things that the factory will take care of free or at little cost. A G-17 with the old trigger parts can be fixed for free by Glock, but the same repair with new parts that have been experimented on will cost you should you send them back to Smyrna.
First, give the used Glock a good visual external inspection. Look to see if there are any signs of abuse, neglect and/or experimentation. External abuse would be things like the corners of the slide being chewed up and or dented from being dropped. Dropping the slide when it is off the frame can bend the recoil spring retaining tab or the relatively fragile (for a Glock) back ends of the rails in the slide. Neglect would be indicated by rust (rare) or a cracked slide from too many hot reloads (even rarer). Experimentation would be something like the slide being machined to take some other sight system than the factory one or milled for ports other than factory.
The good news is that the cracked slide might well be replaced by the factory for free or at little cost. The others? You’re on your own. Glock isn’t going to help you with a dropped slide, and the one that was machined will have a voided warranty. Don’t worry about the factory sights; Glock sights are cheap and easily replaced. At the current pricing, an armorer’s cost for a new set of sights is only $3!
Checking the Glock action. The safety plunger is blocking the firing pin.
A scarred and chewed-up frame can be cleaned up but Glock won’t replace it just because it got scraped along a curb during a fight. It will replace it, regardless of condition, if it is one of the E‑series Glocks that were made from September 2001 through May 2002.
With the permission of the owner, cycle the slide and dry fire it. Try firing it without depressing the trigger safety. It should not fire. Try pulling the trigger normally and then hold it back and cycle the slide. Does the trigger return when you subsequently release it? If not, it may be due to a broken/bent trigger spring or a “trigger job” gone awry. The parts don’t cost much, so bargain the price down as much as you can but don’t expect the owner to budge much.
The firing pin being cocked.
Disassemble and inspect the slide and barrel. Is the barrel clean? Unmarred? Look down the bore. Do you see dark rings? Those are bulges in the barrel from lodged bullets being shot free. A new barrel costs money. At the armorer’s cost, a Glock barrel runs $95 to $125, with compensated barrels running up to $140. Aftermarket Match barrels can run up to $200. If the barrel is bulged, bargain hard, for a replacement won’t be cheap.
Look at the slide, in the breech face area. Inspect the area around the firing pin slot.
The firing pin fully forward.
In a very high-mileage 9mm, fed many rounds of +P or +P+ ammo (as some police departments use), you may find the area around the firing pin slot eroded or even peened back. The erosion comes from pierced or blown primers jetting hot gases back at and through the firing pin slot. If you find those signs you should remove and check the firing pin to make sure it is in good shape. The peening comes from the high pressure setback of the primer. The wall between the breechface and the firing pin tunnel isn’t thick (it can’t be) and the repeated hammering from a steady diet of P or +P+ loads can peen it back. Yes, the Tenifer makes the slide hard, but the substrate isn’t hard or thick. If the area is made too hard by Glock, it may break. If it is too soft, it may peen. It must keep Glock engineers awake at night, worrying about it.
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Monday, October 3, 2011
Brownell's Biggest-Ever Catalog Now Available
Every year Brownells catalog grows in page count and the number of products added, and this year is no exception. Their all new, Catalog #64 is a huge, 672 pages and contains more than 50,000 products, over 2,400 of them brand new since 2010. Six pages representing the newest category "Ammo" are dedicated to listing the most popular types and calibers of ammunition - the latest growth area for the company.
A popular feature in recent years has been the "Dream Guns" built by various suppliers and Brownell employees. There are 10 new ones in Catalog #64, all designed to highlight what can be built using products shown in the catalog.
Some of the thirty sections include: AR-15/M16; 1911 AUTO, Cleaning, Shooting Accessories, Optics and Accessories, Slings & Swivels, Rings & Bases, Specialty Rifle, Handgun and Shotgun Tools, Handgun, Rifle and Shotgun Sights, Metal Finishing, Books and Videos, plus Stockwork.
Company President Pete Brownell told us, "When we added ammo we wanted to do something no one else has so, we applied our flat-rate shipping and unconditional guarantee to all the ammo. What we added to Catalog #64 is just a sample, the full lines are available at "
At Brownells everything is guaranteed period! ...Forever, 100%, with no restocking fees. Founded in 1939, they supply more than 50,000 firearms parts, accessories, gunsmithing tools and ammunition to armorers, gunsmiths, and shooters worldwide. Brownells provides free tech help and there's no minimum order size or small order fees. To place an order, or for more information, call 800-741-0015 or visit and mention code PIH
Revolver Wizard Miculek Wins ESR Champ at Inaugural IDPA World Championship
Distinguished Master and member of Team Smith & Wesson Jerry Miculek is Champion of the Enhanced Service Revolver Division, conferred during the IDPA World Championship match which took place at the Universal Shooting Academy in Frostproof, FL. The International Defensive Pistol Association World Championship ran September 21st through September 24th, 2011.
Jerry's trademark S&W Model 625 .45 ACP, which he modified, hammered through the challenging stages during the monsoon-like weather. Drawn from a Blade-Tech holster, the N-frame .45 helped Jerry to a score of 411.79. Cliff Walsh took Second Master in Enhanced Service Revolver with a score of 421.7.
For more information, read or read more
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Loaded, or "Concealed" Carry in a Motor Vehicle
From: Ken Hanson book "The Ohio Guide to Firearm Laws (Oct. 2011)
Effective September 30, 2011, there are no regulations on how a licensee may transport a loaded handgun in a vehicle. The licensee needs to be aware, however, that laws concerning unauthorized ac-cess to a firearm (such as child endangerment) can still apply if the licensee is not maintaining control over the access to the firearm by others in the vehicle. The licensee also needs to be aware that he or she can never transport a handgun if they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Effective September 30, 2011, there are no regulations on how a licensee may transport a loaded handgun in a vehicle. The licensee needs to be aware, however, that laws concerning unauthorized ac-cess to a firearm (such as child endangerment) can still apply if the licensee is not maintaining control over the access to the firearm by others in the vehicle. The licensee also needs to be aware that he or she can never transport a handgun if they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
From: Ken Hanson book "The Ohio Guide to Firearm Laws (Oct. 2011)
THE LIQUOR FACILITY EXCEPTION granted to someone with a CHL goes into effect on September 30, 2011. This exception provides that the liquor facility statute, R.C. 2921.121, does not apply to a licensee so long as the licensee does not consume any alcohol (not even a sip) while in the facility, and is not already under the influence of drugs or alcohol when entering the facility. Please note that this is an exception, not a grant of a right. The exception sim¬ply says R.C. 2921.121 d6es not apply in that instance. The private property owner can still post a no-guns sign and trigger a criminal trespass violation under R.C. 2911.21.
Please note that the signs that are posted that begin with "Warning, if you are carrying a fire¬arm...." (usually printed on white cardboard stock, black lettering) are not "no-gun" signs but are statutory warning signs required by R.C. 4301.637. It would be a legal absurdity to say that these signs trigger a trespass violation, because such an interpretation would require a court to find that the exception passed by the General As¬sembly cannot ever apply.
Liquor licensees (i.e the people that own the restaurant) who have a CHL may have a handgun at their own licensed premises for defen¬sive purposes. Liquor licensees also have the ability to hire armed security as needed. As with any other private property owner, a liquor licensee may post a no-gun sign to keep the public disarmed, but then authorize individuals to carry a handgun despite the no-gun sign.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
CEO/President change @ Smith & Wesson.
Golden Out, Debney In At Smith & Wesson
Monday, September 26, 2011
Hornady Releases Commemorative John M. Browning Model 1911 Pistol Bullets
Hornady Releases Commemorative John M. Browning Model 1911 Pistol Bullets
Taken from: Shooting Wire
(Grand Island, NE) Hornady Manufacturing® is pleased to celebrate the 100th anniversary of John M. Browning's Model 1911 .45 Automatic Pistol, with a special commemorative 50-cartridge package loaded with Hornady® 230 gr FMJ-RN bullets.
Distributed exclusively by AcuSport, the package features images of a World War I infantryman and a modern day soldier on the characteristic Hornady® brown box with a trademark red foil stamp. Brass cases for this limited edition are emblazoned with "45 Auto 1911-2011" on the headstamp. This limited edition is only available through AcuSport. If your dealer does not carry this special load, contact AcuSport at
"The John M. Browning Model 1911 pistol made an indelible impact upon the shooting sports industry," said Jason Hornady, Vice President of Hornady Manufacturing. "This commemorative issue ammo matches the reliability and effectiveness of the 1911 caliber defensive pistol, and is a great way to honor an incomparable piece of history."
Founded in 1949, Hornady Manufacturing Company is a family owned business headquartered in Grand Island, Nebraska. Proudly manufacturing products that are made in the USA by over 300 employees, Hornady Manufacturing is a world leader in bullet, ammunition, reloading tool and accessory design and manufacture.
For further information regarding Hornady products, visit our web site at Media members interested in Hornady winning products for editorial review should contact Everett Deger at
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Business Insider has put together an awesome slideshow of 10 of the most lethal, innovative war fighting tools that are exclusive to the the U.S. military.
Here’s a sample of our favorites from the slideshow:
1) XM25 Individual Airburst Weapon System (IAWS)
Many of you may recall the Blaze’s earlier coverage of this weapon, fondly referred to as “The Punisher.” This air-burst grenade launcher fires a 25mm projectile using a remarkable laser-finder targeting system to explode above– or behind– a pre-programmed target. The grenade detonates after a set number of aerial rotations, and is capable of hitting a target at 500 meters.
Basically, you can set this thing to blow up right above a foxhole, or right behind some sandbags. It brings an anti-personnel capability to our soldiers in Afghanistan that helps erase the advantages of terrain in an ambush scenario. It also has door-breaching and non-lethal capabilities when used with different rounds.
2) The Taser Shockwave
While it looks like an array of miniature green stadium lights, the Taser shockwave uses its juice to shut a crowd down. It can send out a jolt of electricity up to 25 feet away that will shock a mob into submission. You can also patch them together, sort of like Legos, to create an ever bigger electric pulse — and take the fight out of any angry rabble.
3) PHASR Rifle
It looks like a Star Wars laser gun, but the PHASR rifle uses a pretty straightforward concept: think of a flashlight in someone’s eyes, only much more powerful. It’s a hand-held version of what the military calls a ‘dazzler,’ which has been used at military checkpoints to deter civilians from entering restricted areas.
4) XM2010 Enhanced Sniper Rifle
Basically a souped- up version of the old M24 sniper rifle, the XM2010 gives an additional 50% maximum effective range, and fires a .300 Magnum round instead of the standard 7.62. The extra range should come in handy for U.S. forces squaring off against Taliban fighters at long distances across the treacherous Afghan terrain.
To see the rest of these amazing weapons of war, check out the full slideshow at Business Insider.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Ohio and Louisiana Agree to Right-to-Carry Permit Reciprocity
Yesterday (Sept 8, 2011), Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine announced an agreement with Louisiana State Police Colonel Mike Edmonson allowing Right-to-Carry reciprocity between their two states.
Ohio will now recognize valid Right-to-Carry permits from Louisiana and in turn, Louisiana will recognize valid permits from Ohio.
Permit holders must comply with the laws that apply in whichever state they are traveling.
Ohio now has Right-to-Carry reciprocity with twenty-one other states.
The NRA would like to thank Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine, Governor Bobby Jindal and Louisiana State Police Colonel Mike Edmonson for assisting us with this effort.
This alert is posted to National Rifle Association of America, Institute for Legislative Action.
Smith & Wesson's Miculek Dominates USPSA Area 4 Revolver Contest
The reigning king of revolver shooters, Jerry Miculek of Princeton, La., dominated the competition at the U.S. Practical Shooting Association's Area 4 Handgun Championship by winning all 12 stages and outpacing his nearest competitor by over 280 points.
Team Smith & Wesson's Miculek finished the match, held September 1-4 at the Double Tap Ranch in Wichita Falls, Texas, with a perfect score of 1525 points to easily claim the Area 4 Revolver division title, as well as High Senior within the division.
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Thursday, September 8, 2011
Man Shoots Handgun and Reloads with Feet:
If you didn't have arms, do you think you'd still hunt and shoot? You're probably thinking to yourself, Is it even possible? Well, every now and then we're shown that almost anything is possible if you put your mind to it, and Michael Strong (aka Big Toe) is today's shining example.
Big Toe (his cronies gave him that nickname back in the CB radio days) was born without arms, but that didn't stop him from pursuing his passions.
From Inside Track - Sept 6th
Big Toe (his cronies gave him that nickname back in the CB radio days) was born without arms, but that didn't stop him from pursuing his passions.
From Inside Track - Sept 6th
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Hottie with a Hidden Handgun
In honor of the 19th Amendment (giving women the right to vote) as well as the Second Amendment (right to bear arms), we "Inside Track" editors are exercising our First Amendment right (free speech) by saying we approve of women voting, women bearing arms, and women concealing those arms (legally of course) in any manner in which they see fit.
Speaking of "fit," the woman shown here is modeling UnderTech's UnderCover Woman's Compression Shorts, which feature two identical holsters, one on each side, so if a woman is right-handed she can carry a handgun on her right side, and vice versa.
Want video proof these shorts work? Check out this clip from a recent dealer-only firearms show with this UnderTech model dressed to kill.
These "made-in-the-USA" shorts are extremely popular with female federal agents, undercover officers and parole officers.
Speaking of "fit," the woman shown here is modeling UnderTech's UnderCover Woman's Compression Shorts, which feature two identical holsters, one on each side, so if a woman is right-handed she can carry a handgun on her right side, and vice versa.
Want video proof these shorts work? Check out this clip from a recent dealer-only firearms show with this UnderTech model dressed to kill.
These "made-in-the-USA" shorts are extremely popular with female federal agents, undercover officers and parole officers.
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